
List of Agents, I have no cpu.

When I login to check agents on mql5 homepage, I normally see my cpu and the 4 cores. Few days after, they are gone from that list. ( Do see picture I have attached ) Why does it disappear from time to time. It is very annoying

My computer wont receive any jobs

My computer wont receive any jobs, very VERY few jobs has been sign to it, but thats all. It happened after I was moving hardware between 2 computers, it was still working pretty well, but one time my switch went down & my computer lost all the networking connection to the internet. I assume it was

Disconnected, but A lot of memory has been used & still are being used.

Hello everyone. I noticed something a little different today. The Metatesters are running, but disconnected, but a lot of memory are being used. Is this normal? I added a screenshot

Add more clients to the network with the same account?

Hello. I wonder if it is possible to add more clients to the cloud network to earn more? MQLCN-Hero