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Added topic how to increase speed of mt4 platform
90.58 ms   speed  so far    how  can i lower the latency   and improve it
Added topic user interface update? needed!!!!
the more I 4 platform for trading the more I see it needs some of the tools of trading view. the community that uses mt4 or mt5 must make a petition  to upgrade  the Api or core source code to be for user friendly. like it is with trading
Added topic how many orders can be opened?
Hello   i have six pairs  with   budget of $299 lot size 0.01 is it possible to open 18 orders  but manually close them?  if i open 3 order per pair? not using a size positioner yet
Added topic time on mt4 dashboard don't match
hello  I have a nuisance. trading session is in NY timeframe 5m dashboard on mt4 shows  irrelevant times    lower section   ex: 2023.11.03 14.25   when in reality i see different time on my pc i know i can
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