Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
  • Information
9+ years
demo versions
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Dear fellow friends. it been a while since ive send out notifications. But here i am showing a glimps of my account since i started.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Market will be open in about 50 minutes. Wish you all a good trading week and watch out for friday.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Losing 45 pips on this trade
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
-20 pips lost
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
losing 1062 pips on this trade
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Losing 295 pips in this trade
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Just to let you guys now that I am posting my trades i've done since janaury this year 2018. Tha is why you see a lot of these post.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
2152 pips on the winning side.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Losing 399 pips on this trade.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
With this trade we won 5330 pips after two week.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
On our sell we lost 302 pips.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
This is our trade starting Janauray 2019. Our first trade was a sell.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Hallo my friends, I was away for a few months looking for a new strategy and I think i have found a good one. I will keep updating you guys on it as i go. thanks again and hopefully i will be active again.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Good afternoon, Here another update.

I have close my winning trade and leave my loosing trade open. I will be watching this very closely. Hopefully it will be continue going in the up position and I might take a loss of few dollars and if it continue climbing then I guess I got lucky. :)

Happy trading and more update coming soon.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Good day all, Just want to give you guys a heads up that today I will be doing no trading unless I have a good indication that I am 100% to make a trade then I will. But for now I will be start trading tomorrow again at 8AM EDT.

The main reason for this is that I have to recover from the loss from yesterday.

Sorry for the delay and HAPPY TRADING.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Here I am again!

For the last few hours I have been in a loss of $-67 because I have a call and a putt to stay out of my loss. I am just waiting for the right entry point again so I can get back in and take care of my loss I have here and we will be back on track.

Sorry for the delay.

Happy trading.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto

Because of time different, I just want you guys to know that I will be doing up to 3 trades at 3AM EDT. The reason why is because the EUROPEAN market open. Most of my trades are when the US Market open at 8AM.

I am not sure that I will do it but I just want to give you guys a update. If I do trade at 3AM, its gonna be 3 or 4 trades.

Happy trading guys.
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Just to let you guys know, I have reach my goal and gone over my goal of today, so I will be taking it very easy from now on.

Happy trading!
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Good morning everyone !!

Good start for the week. Last week ended up good and I kept one trade open cause I saw a down trent starting this week and I was right! I ended open closing my trade with a profit of $102.

My plan for this week is as follow:

Per day my goal is to profit $173 per day.

The reason why I put a goal is because people are know to get greedy when they make a lot of money or just simple say, people always want more when it come to money. When people get to greedy some times, 99% people loose money to and I don't want to be in that situation. I just want to make the profit, be happy and walk away and there is always a tomorrow. :)

If there is any thing new I will let you know.

Happy trading
Ephraim Alberto
Ephraim Alberto
Okay, today trade went well, I am currently in a trade and i am in negative again. So Sunday 5 PM EDT market open and it seem like a down trent, so I will keep it open and keep a eye on it.

Happy weekend.