Martin Fletcher
Martin Fletcher

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Martin Fletcher
Added topic MT4 on iPhone App - Closing a position??
Hi, I'm just playing about with this app on my iPhone and can do all I need to except for one thing - how do you close a position? Tried everything and I just can't work this one out! Thanks, Martin
Martin Fletcher
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Martin Fletcher
Added topic Updating MT4 Manually?
Hi, My MT4 is currently Version 4 Build 409 - It hasn't automatically updated for a very long time. Is there anyway I can manually update it to Build 418??? Many thanks, Martin
Martin Fletcher
Added topic Setting up an EMA indicator
Hi, Newbie here so please be gentle with me! I want an EMA of 50 and a second one of 200, can you kindly confirm how I go about this. When I add Moving averages to the chart I'm not sure just where to add the 50 and 200. For instance, what does