
How can i get a valume from ather file ??

Hi all I have tow MQL4 files , I need to get a valume from one file to ather file . example : A is MQL4 file & B is MQL4 file the tow files is expert , Im going to run A file but need it to read a volume from B file . What is the code lin to do that ??? thanls

Drow fibonatci lines

hi all how can i get a high and low to cloclite the fibonatci no. i wont to get it for 35 bars for 4H piriod . and after that drow the llines . thank u

Trade 2 days a week only

hi can enyone tall me what is the expirt code to trade 2 days a week only . or is ther link take abut it ? thank u

Close all orders

hi I need the code in expirt to close all orders I wrote this cood but its not working ... any one help me in this plzzzzzzzzz. ??? ------------- for (int j=0; j<OrdersTotal(); j++) { OrderSelect(j, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); OrderPrint(); if ( OrderType() == OP_BUY ) {

How to lerne expert ???

hi evry bady >>> i wont to lern haw to do expert ... from wher i w'll stsrt ? thank u