
how to convert typical practices in MQL4 to MQL5

Hello, i see that various mql4 indicators use a NewBar() function like this: what is the best conversion of this practice to MQL5 ? bool NewBar() static datetime LastTime=0; if(iTime(_Symbol,Period(),0)+time_offset!=LastTime) { LastTime=iTime(_Symbol,Period(),0)+time_offset; return

how to convert the Open[x] High[x] Low[x] Close[x] from MQL4 to MQL5 ?

these variables are not available on mql5 what function can i construct to better emulate these Open[0] High[0] Low[0] Close[0]

return the last d1 open high low close + volume of the day from a given symbol ?

what are the libraries and functions to return this thanks

script sample code to loop trough all symbols to lookup for number of daily trades.

hello, i would like a script sample code to loop trough all symbols to lookup for number of daily trades. thnks