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Added topic Hi there
Weird! Regulators to classify gold as a zero risk asset while some experts expect that Gold is near a long term top and the super wealthy who own lots of gold are liquidating. Breaking News: Regulators to Classify Gold as Zero-Risk Asset | John
Added topic proprietary indicators
Although I get tired of all the bogus signal vendors, "proprietary indicators", and useless trading methods there are a few out there that actually make sense to me. How to Identify Real Forex Pivot Points: Market Turns For Entry Signals That Get
Added topic Hi Guys
I just watched this video yesterday "The same patterns are showing up on the EUR, the AUD, S&P 500 and several variations on other pairs. A lot of people seem to expect a 5th wave down for a new low on the daily then a big turn to the
Added topic "Trading the Globe"
This CNBC video on "Trading the Globe" emerging markets is super interesting. I don't follow emerging market stocks but am interested in the emerging real estate markets of Brazil and the Philippines. Trading The Globe: Emerging Markets Plays - CNBC
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