
Bug in MetaTester 5 build 4282 (25 Apr 2024) --> NULL pointer (Main Window)

Microsoft Factory Class Warning: A pointer called "m_pMainWnd" was detected in a function called "Run()" of the class "CWinApp". CS 2 11:19:44.360 MFC Warning: m_pMainWnd is NULL in CWinApp::Run - quitting application. Something called debugger exist: Best Regards

The worst MQL Cloud Server ever ( not found) (Europe 1)

This server is broken for more time than it is working. Doesn't work several times a week (See attached image ). I've seen it broken at least 20 times in the last two months. It takes between 12 and 24 hours to work again... Maybe it's time to think about buying a new one (It's just a suggestion)

Why the time is not going forward? (Build 4232, AVX)... BUG???

My agents working time is not going forward... I noticed this since the last update (few days ago) They have many jobs... This job for example (One hour x 28 Threads). CS 0 02 : 15 : 57.181 Tester job 7345665837451199872 received from Cloud Server CS 0 02 : 15 : 57.181

(Tester Agent) does not free RAM memory?

Hi, I was this last three days sharing my computer. The first day the agents worked well (i think). I mean, i saw the CPU working and the RAM was allocated and then when the task finish the memory was free. However, yesterday and today it worked in a different way. In the morning the agents worked