
Understand and Efficiently use OpenCL API by Recreating built-in support as DLL on Linux (Part 2): OpenCL Simple DLL implementation for MetaTrader 5

Continued from the part 1 in the series, now we proceed to implement as a simple DLL then test with MetaTrader 5. This will prepare us well before developing a full-fledge OpenCL as DLL support in the following part to come

Understand and efficiently use OpenCL API by recreating built-in support as DLL on Linux (Part 1): Motivation and validation for MetaTrader 5

Bulit-in OpenCL support in MetaTrader 5 still has a major problem especially the one about device selection error 5114 resulting from unable to create an OpenCL context using CL_USE_GPU_ONLY, or CL_USE_GPU_DOUBLE_ONLY although it properly detects GPU. It works fine with directly using of ordinal

Develop a Proof-of-Concept DLL with C++ multi-threading support for MetaTrader 5 on Linux for MetaTrader 5

We will begin the journey to explore the steps and workflow on how to base development for MetaTrader 5 platform solely on Linux system in which the final product works seamlessly on both Windows and Linux system. We will get to know Wine, and Mingw; both are the essential tools to make


How to pass function pointer parameter into CreateThread() wrapper function as exposed in processthreadsapi.mqh

I'm experimenting with the multi-threading code in a Script environment. I have the following code. #include <WinAPI\windef.mqh> #include <WinAPI\processthreadsapi.mqh> #include <WinAPI\handleapi.mqh> #import "kernel32.dll" int WaitForSingleObject(HANDLE hHandle, int dwMilliseconds); #import typedef