
Array selection

Arr_1[]; Arr_2[]; Arr_3[]; .................. Arr_99[]; it is possible to approach something like this int nar = 2 ; ArrayResize ( "Ar_" +nar, 1 ); instead of this ArrayResize (Ar_2, 1 ); To select which array we are working with

Timeframe as input parameter with CExpert class

Can the timeframe be the input parameter when it is transmitted to the CExpert class? I try input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pPeriod = PERIOD_CURRENT; int OnInit() { pPeriod = iPeriod; if(pPeriod == PERIOD_CURRENT ){pPeriod = Period();} ChartFirstID = ChartFirst(); if(ChartPeriod(ChartFirstID)!= pPeriod){

Read function value from class

How to read value of the function CheckPatternAllBullish() in class CCandlePattern ? I want to read it inside in void OnTick() // Print(fican.CheckPatternAllBullish()); Error is invalid pointer access in 'candlepatterns.mqh' (162,20) Thanks

MQL5 Read function value from class

How to read value of the function CheckPatternAllBullish() in class CCandlePattern ? I want to read it inside in void OnTick() // Print(fican.CheckPatternAllBullish()); Error is invalid pointer access in 'candlepatterns.mqh' (162,20) Thanks

Read from class

How to read value of the function CheckPatternAllBullish() in class CCandlePattern ? I want to read it inside in void OnTick() // Print(fican.CheckPatternAllBullish()); Error is invalid pointer access in 'candlepatterns.mqh' (162,20) Thanks