Dmitri Diall / Profile
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2 years
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Moon Domain - Unipessoal Lda
Dmitri Diall
Added topic MT5 brokers for US citizens / residents
Hello all, I was trying to understand which brokers support the MT5 platform and are regulated in the USA or accept American clients, but can't seem to find much in the way of authoritative information online about this. What restrictions are there
Dmitri Diall
Added topic WebRequest(): how to handle HTTP 303 response downloading shared files from Google Drive?
Hello all, Wondering if someone could point me in the right direction vis-a-vis an issue I'm facing with WebRequest() when attempting to download shared files from Google Drive, e.g. sample file linked below
Dmitri Diall
Added topic Using "standard" MetaQuotes MT5 for all accounts, instead of broker-specific installers
Hi folks, quick question as I'm rebuilding my development workstation... What are the advantages and disadvantages of installing only one terminal for MT5 and another for MT4 , i.e. official versions downloaded from MetaQuotes website, to access all
Dmitri Diall
Added topic CHistoryOrderInfo: missing Select(void) and Select(ulong ticket) methods??? COrderInfo has them both...
Hello all... I finally managed to get my head around the benefit of using these 4 classes of the Standard Library for working with active/historic orders, deals and positions -- CPositionInfo , CDealInfo , COrderInfo , CHistoryOrderInfo . Not sure if
Dmitri Diall
Added topic OnTradeTransaction: unexpected data received in transaction event data... bug or something else?
Dear all -- I'm debugging some code for trade event processing with the newer OnTradeTransaction() function as opposed to the parameter-less OnTrade() which requires doing some "guesswork" going through lists of orders (active & historic)
Dmitri Diall
Added topic Get name of a class programmatically at run-time
Hi all -- is there a straightforward way to find out the name of a class during run-time? I hoped MQL would have some predefined macro akin to __FILE__ or __FUNCTION__ but, alas, there is no __CLASS__... Predefined Macro Substitutions - Named
Dmitri Diall
Added topic Who develops EAs using the CExpert/CExpertSignal OOP framework, aka Strategy Modules from the Standard Library?
Hello to all MQL5 gurus :-) Can you please let me know if you personally develop/extend these set of classes from the Strategy Modules (MQL5\Include\Expert) to build your own trading bots? If not, have you come across others relying on this or know
Dmitri Diall
Added topic Using MQL5 Standard Library in MQL4
Hi all, I have been working primarily on MT4 which has undoubtedly the broadest support among my brokers, only a couple offer MT5 and not necessarily with the same instruments I want to trade with my algorithms. Recently I started delving much