
Connect Exchange API to Metatrader?

How can one go about connecting the Exchange API (Seen here: to Metatrader? I have been searching for days on end for a possible response but there are little to none, and the few that exist are extremely

Cannot get first in first out strategy to work with hedging

I am running a long-only strategy that opens multiple long trades, and then sells them off one by one. The first position it sells should correspond with the ticket of the first position it had opened. I have been browsing the forums for literally hours on end, as well as documentation, but have

Trades not executing while conditions are met/

While all conditions are met, my advisor is still not executing certain trades where it should be. For example: *** at this exact moment, the comment at the top left of a chart reads 5 true's, meaning each condition to sell off the current position has been met. However, the candle closes with no

POSITION_PRICE_OPEN returns 0.0 while positions are open

Would like some help here, I'm unable to get a "posOpen" value (Comment(posOpen)) without an "undeclared identifier" error. Here is a segment of the code void OnTick () { double priceClose = ( iClose ( _Symbol , PERIOD_CURRENT , 0 )); // Var holds current close price of bar double priceOpen =