
SymbolInfoMarginRate() in Python integration

Does anybody know how to access this method on Python integration ? SymbolInfoMarginRate() I've tried to use mt5.order_calc_margin() , but is not the same function. Thks

How to calculate the position market value?

Maybe someone have an easy and ready code for this... How to calculate the position market value, in your broker currency (my USD), as the MT5 application does in toolbox

Python mt5.symbols_get() method

Hi, When I run this method at Python shell, I get a tuple with all symbol info for all symbols. Example of one symbol: SymbolInfo(custom=False, chart_mode=0, select=False, visible=False, session_deals=0, session_buy_orders=0, session_sell_orders=0, volume=0, volumehigh=0, volumelow=0, time=0

Method to get balance + margin requirement of each closing month

Hi. Is there a method to get the 1. balance and the 2. margin requirement of the account for the last month´s day, without having to run a routine to print this values each month? Can I have this in retrospect? Thank you

Calculate Margin needed based on Symbol Info

Hi geeks, How can I calculate an instrument margin required , based on Symbol Info numbers? Maybe I could use SYMBOL_MARGIN_HEDGED? Tks

Exporting double to csv file

Hi, I have a code that exports SymbolInfo...() to csv file. In many cases, the double numbers get messy on the destiny file (ie, they miss the floating point orientation). How ca I solve this please? Thank you

Problem to export double values to csv

Hello, When I export some values to CSV files, by the function FileWrite(), when I convert double numbers to string , in some cases they loss the point (.), and show numbers without any standard format. Manly for the BID and SWAP values, the convertion from double for string is not working properly

Script to export Symbol Info to csv

Hi, Does anybody know some Script to export all Symbols names and Infos from some broker (ie. digits, contract size , spread...), to csv or similar files? Thks

Why do we need to write the !IsStopped() function inside many indicators "For" Loops?

Read the documentation, but still not so clear. Thank you