Sergei Toroshchin / Profile
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4 years
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Sergei Toroshchin
Added topic Strategy Tester Optimization Analyze
Are there any tips what should be considered as a best result of strategy tester optimization's results? Should I use best result from complex optimization or higher profit result? or maybe its better to use a variant with lower DD? Who
Sergei Toroshchin
Added topic Chaikin Volatility in Expert only current bar
Unable to calculate Chaikin Volatility in Expert only for current bar double hl[30]; double emahl[30]; for ( int i= 0 ; i< 30 ; i++) hl[i] =
Sergei Toroshchin
Added topic How close tester results to reality?
How close strategy tester results to reality? Can I expect at least 90% of the results
Sergei Toroshchin
Published product
Trend Harvester is yet another trend indicator with flat detection. It uses price series and Moving Average for detecting market trend. For better result I would recomend to play with parameters. Lower periods will force to react to short trends. Higher periods will try to show longer trands. You can set the same period for Price Series and Moving Average for quick test. You can also choose Moving Average type between "Regular" and "Zero Lag". "Zero Lag" type improves reaction to trend