
Your experiences with MetaTrader on MacOS?

Are you on an (M-chip-) Mac and using MetaTrader 5, be it via Wine, a virtualization software (like Parallels Desktop or a free alternative) or whatever? Then may I ask your experiences in the following points (as far as you can tell because you tried to): 1. Which of the mentioned (or other

Disabling MT5 liveupdates (currently working approach)?

Hello everybody, you probably know the issue, too: MT5 updates itself and more often than not your EAs and Indicators stop working upon the automatic Terminal restart (although in theory they should and sometimes also do resume operation). It's a disaster when that happens. And although a hack for

Rolling back to MetaEditor64.exe, build 3800 ?

Since MetaTrader 5 Build 3950 (from 14 September 2023) seems to have partially broken MQL5-macros... ...I wanted to ask if anybody still has the

Macro-bug since MT5-Update?

Dear MetaQuotes and affiliates, thank you for making MetaTrader! However, to my great dismay, I just noticed that the following code, specifically the macro definition... #define isNew(var, ID) isChanged ##ID(var) ...which still worked on 2nd August 2023, today no longer works (compiles)! ##

MQL5: Full-screen screenshot?

Hi, is there a way (or a workaround) to have 5 take a , but not just of a single chart, but of the whole screen, as can be done manually by right-clicking on a chart → Save as picture → Active workspace? 's standard and