Chart: (Bear side). For sales positions, if S1W1 broken / down H1 is formed, goals may be equal (S2W1 / down H4 broken / S3W1). (Side of bulls...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 40
26 June 2018, 06:51
Chart: The version of the events development according to the scenario of the wider side has been confirmed (see forecast from 2018-06-18...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 58
25 June 2018, 00:09
Chart: The past week showed a tough confrontation between the parties with high volatility. (see also forecast from 2018-06-18...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 29
25 June 2018, 00:03
Chart: The variant of the events development according to the scenario of the bear-side has been confirmed (see forecast from 2018-06-18...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 37
23 June 2018, 18:29
Chart: Underwritten version of the undercarriage side (see forecast from 2018-06-18...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 26
23 June 2018, 14:02
Chart: (Side of bulls). For saved purchases, if the breakdown is higher (R1), or if the conversion from the key levels is formed, goals may be (downD1 / R2) with the breakdown option up to (R3). (Bear side...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 43
22 June 2018, 06:48
Chart: (Side of bulls). For purchases, if the turn is formed from (key levels) and breakdowns higher (R1), targets may be (R2 / R3) with the breakdown option to (down D1). (Bear side...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 32
22 June 2018, 06:17
Chart: (Bear side). For sales, under the condition of forming a turn from (down H1) goals may be (up H1 / S1 / S2 / up D1) with the breakdown option to (S3 / down D1 broken). (Side of bulls...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 30
22 June 2018, 05:47
Chart: (Bear side). For items for sale, if the turn is formed from (key levels / down H1), targets may be (up H4 / S1) with a breakdown vapient before (S1W1 / S2 / S2W1 / S3). (Side of bulls...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 25
22 June 2018, 05:13
Chart: (Side of bulls). For purchases, with the condition of forming a turn from (up H1) and breakdowns above the feeder levels, targets may be (R1 / R2 / R3) with the breakdown option to (down D1). (Bear side...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 50
21 June 2018, 07:21