
Forum topic

I had created a topic “Alerts”. Somehow it's gone, or am I missing something

Chart Windows

I can only open 100 Charts with my Terminal. Is there a way to open more? maybe its a value in a .ini file

VPS Server

I need more than 32 Pairs in my VPS Server . Is there a way to do this

Market doesnt work

I cant buy anything in the market. If I click on an expert advisor the coming page is empty


I get Private Messages from "System" from Expert Advisors "new Version" I did not purchased or I dont want to get. How can I disable this Messages? For some Advisors I still want to get

Compile Error

Virtual Hosting : 6243117 obsolete version of "XXX.ex4" cannot be transferred to the hosting server, please recompile it first I downloaded a Free Expert Advisor. How can I fix this

Virtual Hosting

Hello, Im just testing Virtual Hosting . Two Questions: 1. When everything is Migrated I can turn off my Computer and everything is still running? 2. See below: I did Synchronize Experts, Indicators and Signals by right click on my server. In the Log theres an error. "You cannot migrate more than 16