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Added topic Question on start() during weekends
Hi according to documentation start() is triggered every time a tick is coming in. Now when i run a script during a weekend i can see that start() does run/loop several times even there are no ticks at all since it is weekend. Anyone know why that
Added topic Problems with ERR_HISTORY_WILL_UPDATED (4066 ) & weekends
Hi i m building a custom indicator and got problems with the 4066 Error. As i m building an indicator i ve got the following While loop to check if data have arrived      dt=iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,0);
Added topic Strange MT4 output...
Hi i ve got the following code   #include <stderror.mqh> #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <logfile.mq4> #property indicator_level1 0 #property indicator_separate_window // --- parameters extern int history= 180 ; int init()
Added topic simple question
hi  how is it possible to get a current bar i, open & close time?  Thanks 
Added topic Algorithm/Timeframes problem
Hi  i ve got the following algorithm.  what i m trying to do is to check 1M TF from a higher TF.  while (i>= 0 )  // i is the standard IndicatorCounted()     {      log ( "while i is
Added topic Question/Problem displaying an indicator correctly
Hi I ve got an indicator that displays some values below the chart in a separate window after doing a few calculations. Now, i ve got two main problems. The first problem that occurs is that during the calculations some values sometimes do something
Added topic iCustom simple question
Hi i m trying to write an indicator that i will call from another indicator using iCustom .   Could someone please explain/give me what does iCustom returns? Buf_0[] arrays? If not that then what? If it fails to find the indicator what does it
Added topic Problem on Adding Time on... Time!
Hi, what I m trying to do is on a string that i m reading from a file that has a Date format to add 24 hours. So for example I m reading '2012.01.16 14:00' to convert this on '2012.01.17 14:00' and so on. Its a CSV file from an excel so Date format
Added topic Strand 2D array problem
ok, my problem is on very strange array action. I got a 2D array called filecontent where on that is [50][1] in size. its set as a global variable. The problem is that although i set for every element of the array a different value when i m trying to