
Error „absolute file path 9“

I work with MetaTrader 4 in Windows 7. The program DannRestart is located in the window EURUSD with M1. In certain cases I let start from my program from the MetaTrader again. With Windows XP everything ran error free. But with Windows 7 this error message comes: DannRestart: absolute file path "9

From where do I get historical data? Who can help me?

With some pairs of currencies historical data are missing over several months. From where could I refer these

In history data are missing.

With AUDJPY/M1 I stated that in charts for the period are missing 19 September 2008 until 26 January 2009 the bars. How can one close this gap? Or from where can one load the missing data

Data exchange between two EA's

In the window EURUSD is a program EA-1. And in the window GBPJPY is a program EA-2. How can data be handed over from EA-1 to EA-2

Expert program does not start

To the start of a Expert program in the MetaTrader normally two lines come in the window Journal: - loaded successfully - initialized When starting of my program comes often only „loaded successfully “. And the program does not start. Only after reasoning and new starting of the MetaTraders the