Alaor T Giacomini
Alaor T Giacomini
Quimico at Maua

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Alaor T Giacomini
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Buy with volumes > 5000 daily when bar is high int start(){ if (last_bar == Bars) return(0); last_bar = Bars; double Volumes; if (OrdersTotal() == 0 && Volumes >5000){ { // if(Close[0]>Open[0])return(0); } OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY
Alaor T Giacomini
Added topic buy or sell and volume
need a help I need the following code. When candle is in daily up and volume is greater than 50000 is made a buy When candle is down and daily volume is greater than 50000 is made a sell grateful
Alaor T Giacomini
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