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Added topic interface as a return signature ?
On my way to an interface-based-design I was stopped again: //--- Two Basic interfaces interface iBase   {     double getMarketRisk( void ); //...   };    interface iPosition   {     //
Added topic no way to code interfaces ?
Hello, for some reasons I like to work with an interface. but my mt4 don't know the word (?) Same code in the documentation (https://docs.mql4.com/basis/types/classes): //--- Basic interface for describing animals interface IAnimal   {
Added topic Array[] as optional Parameter ?
Hello, is there a simple way for an empty default value on arrays (of objectpointers) ? signature: void funcsname(...., clsName* &ArrayOfObjectPointers[] = ???) {} // * NULL [] no surprise, this is not working. But is there a usefull
Added topic overloading with the same parameter-set ?
As you can see in the code below I tried to overload the operator []. With that the polymorphism has to look at the result declaration. But it doesn't. One way to work around may be a index in one declared as double, but it's ugly. Is there a better
Added topic wrong results with iMaOnArray - or bad code
What can one do wrong on that simple code ? - But something is going wrong ! ArraySetAsSeries(arrValues, true); ArraySetAsSeries(bufCenterline, true); // ... newBegin = 1 ; for (i = newBegin; i >= 0 ; i--)    {
Added topic fighting against 'autoscale'
Situation: In a seperate window a couple of values, sometimes very different in value. Based on my user input I can reduce the visibility up to only one series. Problem: But the whole family of series still give there maximum and minimum to calculate
Added topic Special Constructor using inheritance ?
Hello, my problem: Two classes, one inherits . But, the inherited class has to be constructed with a parameter ... And I can't make it... FatherClass: class clsGauss01       clsGauss01( int Index); SonClass: class
Added topic receiving bad values by a 'wchar_t *' out of a DLL
Hello again, the first time looking for string-Values in MT4 out of a c++ DLL takes me a day without success :-(  And I've been working with the example first ! All my calculations are working but strings.... The story
Added topic call a member-function of a derived class
Hello again, sounds simple but it didn't work: 1) class A has a public- function and it's body - working ! 2) class B derives class A, function of class A is directly available and working ! 3) in my indicator is a instance of class B, the public
Added topic reduce the number (counting) of color-settings in the color-tab ?
Hello, Another question slows me out... I've made an indicator with several lines in the main-chart. But I need only two different colors. So it is kidding to set each used buffer one by one. This simple trick isn't working: #property
Added topic ONE indicator writes TWO output windows ?
Hello, up to now I`ve only found codes that write in the main-chart OR in a seperate and new one. ( #property indicator_chart_window ) But it is often useful, to address both or more outputs with only one mathematics. Mainly because of the
Added topic Return a structure out of a function without casting ??
Hello, I want to return one whole structure by function . (simple include or class) I`ve seen that there is a way by casting the thing. https://docs.mql4.com/basis/types/casting#casting_structure Is there another way useable now in newer versions ? -
Added topic MQL4 >#600: OrderClose() not working but sometimes with the SAME code without a special notice
Hello again, that tiny thing is playing games with me... I have reduced the code to the mimium in a special EA and I can reproduce the failure with that. I stack a ticke# in the code and when the system is going to trade the oposite direction, I
Added topic Failure " 'xy' - struct member undefined " while simply read a MemberVariable ?
Hello, I've tried to use a very simple OOP in MT4 beyond #600. So, nearly everthing works :-) But with that it`s funny: File 1 as "Test.mqh" in the include-directory: -------------------------------- class Test   { public
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