
string compare problom ,help me

string a; if (a== "" ) Alert ( "ok" ); if a equel empty, How do I write

What my easy code 's error,two value compare

Look last Code ,why the run ruzult is ok2 not ok3? double a= 4.0 ; double b= 4.5 ; if (a>b) Alert ( "ok1" ); if (a<b) Alert ( "ok2" ); if (a==b) Alert ( "ok3" ); double a= 4.0 ; int b= 4 ; if (a>b) Alert ( "ok1" ); if (a<b) Alert ( "ok2" );

How to use switch statement,What problom of my below code

switch (x) { case 1 : if (USD== 1 ) firstcurrent= 1 ; if (USD== 2 ) firstcurrent= 2 ; case 2 : if (EUR== 1 ) firstcurrent= 1 ; if (EUR== 2 ) firstcurrent= 2 ; case 3 : if (GBP== 1 )

syntax error dont disyplay arrow ,just display another icon,why ,plese help me thank you,

//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| 两个KD都背离.mq4 | //| Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| |

cal problom double type cal

double a=1.7; double b=1.6; double c=a-b; Alert(c); the result is 0.99999999999999999987

C++ ploblom, the front of "" is mean?

string a=( "" + TimeCurrent () + 100 + ";" ); I see have code like that written, what mean? I use FileWrite fuction put the code into xx.txt file,but I can't Read it use FileOpeN- FileReadNumber, I find the cause,possible is the number is oversize,I use WINDOUS XP systom,I Want to Read the

terminal 604 calculate problom

int c= 100 ; int d= 70 ; double a=d/c; Alert ( DoubleToStr (a, 8 )); output 0? why I English is very pool,thank your much fo help

what's meam of DOUBLE_VALUE?

<CODE REMOVED > handle = FileOpenHistory( Symbol () + Period () + ".hst" , FILE_BIN | FILE_READ ); bool GetPrices( int & PriceTime, int & PriceLow, int & PriceHigh) { PriceTime = FileReadInteger (handle); FileSeek (handle, DOUBLE_VALUE, SEEK_CUR ); PriceLow = FileReadDouble (handle) / Point +