
Signal I using now showing signal prohibited where I normally renew

Dear all I have been subscribing to signal for the last 2 months all ok. I have 3 weeks left to run and I'm now seeing signal prohibited in the top right hand box where normally renew signal. Signal I have paid for is working ok but I concern I cannot sign up for next month. For reference the

Signal prohibited and symbol not recognized

Dear all I hope some one can help me. I signed up for signal service but signals are not coming through. I can see in journal Symbol is not recognized and signal prohibited. Anyone had this problem and can give me advise how to fix. Signal provider looked and told me its not from their side and

Account shows money locked

Dear all I hope that you can help me My account to get signals is showing 50 USD with 41 USD LOCKED. I cannot get signal can anyone advise what the locked means thank you

Help needed I have set up signal and its showing as active. However it is not copying the trades

Has anyone got advise for me I set up new account in MT5 and also set up MQL5 account and put money in to enable to subscribe. I have subscribed to a signal provider many people are using its showing up as active subscription but its not copying the trades. Subscription service have looked at it