Hong Kong retail sales fell for the fifteenth straight month


Hong Kong retail sales fell for the fifteenth straight month

The value of retail sales decreased 36.1 percent annually in April, following a 42.1 percent fall in the preceding month. As the Census and Statistics Department showed on Monday - "according to the MRS, the value of total retail sales in April 2020, provisionally estimated at $24.1 billion, decreased by 36.1% compared with the same month in 2019. The revised estimate of the value of total retail sales in March 2020 decreased by 42.1% compared with a year earlier. "

"The year-on-year decline in retail sales remained huge in April, though narrower than that in March, reflecting the still-severe disruptions of COVID 19 and the necessary anti-epidemic measures to consumption- and tourism-related activities," a government spokesman said.
