MTS = profit FALSE ||TRUE - page 12

Integer писал (а) >>

Lucky you!!! I don't have one of these.....)))))))))))))

DrShumiloff писал (а) >>

If we are not talking about individual manifestations of reality (at the level of empirical platitudes), but about reality as a whole, then any.

Clarification doesn't change anything. You have a limitation, an implicit sounding axiom, according to which you consider the following to be an indisputable reality: "Any representation of reality is, by definition, a fiction...". This is your limitation that you impose on the world. Within that limitation I will always be wrong to say otherwise.

It is everyone's choice what, how and what to limit. Therefore, my answer "no, not any" can be read as "I wouldn't limit myself like that"

olltrad писал (а) >>

we believe more in what is easier to verify, it's just hard to ignore the obvious. as long as it concerns me and is confirmed, i have no reason to doubt the opposite...

it's easier to believe what we believe more :)

KimIV has given you invaluable advice - look for consistent patterns, the money is there.

Then prove that the state of your depot is a fabrication))))
Vita писал (а) >>

and it's easier to believe in what we believe in more :)

KimIV gave you invaluable advice - look for sustainable patterns, the money is there.

it's good advice for sure. it's just that it's not clear:

- they are there for a long time

-they've been around for a long time (decades)

-they are always there

-they are always there and on all pairs

-each couple has its own dependencies


olltrad писал (а) >>

The advice is definitely good. It's just that the other thing is not clear:

- they are there for a long time

-they have been around for a long time (dozens of years)

-they are always there (BUT they MAY BE DIFFERENT YURAZ)

-they are there at all times and on all pairs

-each couple has different dependencies


In my opinion it is enough for the TS to be stable at a certain part of history, for example in an uptrend and shallow corrections of this trend

for a byte TS

for a selenium TC needs its own parameters and its own period of work


I'm not going to live forever even if I want to, so I don't need an always working TC

one is enough! ---


if for example you look at the FORKS market in its infancy in 7x years, the pound was easily going 500p almost every day

this does not happen now

of course patterns change

since 2008 euro started to go on average 140p from the high to the catch and 70-74 O C

while 2007 O C = 60 p ( H L will not say now I have to run my stats which I do not have at hand)

this is also a pattern that has changed

YuraZ писал (а) >>

In my opinion, it is enough for the TS to be stable at a certain part of history, for example in an uptrend and shallow corrections of this trend

for a byte TS

for a selenium TC needs its own parameters and its own period of work


my main goal is to create a universal system (both bay and sell) as a single complex.

As I'm getting deeper into details I'm coming to conclusion that it's necessary to look for answers in cyclic behavior and cycle slope angle (it's visible at m15 and m30), as well as in statistical analysis...

olltrad писал (а) >>

my main goal is to create a universal system (both bay and sell) as a single complex.

As I'm getting deeper into the jungle, I'm coming to the conclusion that the answers should be sought in the cycle and the angle of the cycle (clearly visible on m15 and m30), as well as in the statistical analysis.

if you want an intraday system!

You may buy or sell on Monday or Tuesday, but you don't want to hold the position for a week or a month.

go to month MN1 on eur 2006 2007 2008

see how many candles are white and how many are black

it is just a way of putting it mildly but it should be interesting for thought


A long time is more than five years. I have been checking since 2001 and do not listen to those who say that the market changed in 2003.

YuraZ писал (а) >>

You want an intraday system!

You want to buy or sell on monday tuesday but you don't want to hold the position for a week or a month?

go to month MN1 on eur 2006 2007 2008

see how many candles are white and how many are black

i am not being dramatic but it should be interesting to you to think about

the real reason is the rise in forex prices, the fall in forex prices for the euro and hence the rise in forex prices,

i think 50% of a daily move is not a bad result.

moreover, for example GBPUSD goes from 200 to 500 pips, and the dynamics of the move is such that you can open in any direction (as long as you choose the right time)
