Arturo Lopez Perez
Arturo Lopez Perez
3.1 (142)
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11+ 年
Did you know that 90% of traders end up losing money?

It's not just a coincidence. The markets are incredibly tough to navigate and fiercely competitive. When you step into the market, you're going head-to-head with some of the sharpest minds on the planet, ready to take your money without a second thought, devour you like a chicken in a stew, and leave your bones bare on the plate.

We've all lost money in the markets. Every single one of us. Anyone who says they've never lost money in the markets is lying. Even me. I've lost astronomical amounts of money trading. I've lost more money than I'm willing to admit.

You're not alone.

I've lost money I could afford to part with, but also money I desperately needed. I've lost money to the point where I couldn't buy Christmas gifts for my family. I've lost money to the point of eating rice and canned meat until the end of the month. I've lost money to the point of selling stuff just to make ends meet. I've lost money to the point of biking to save on gas.

The markets have made me experience frustration, anxiety, sadness, anger, and shame. In that order. I've seen my dreams shatter overnight. The markets have beaten my ego like a piñata, reducing it to pulp repeatedly. The market has shaped my personality like a psychopath ex-wife.

The emotional rollercoaster of trading can either make you or break you; the choice is yours. Traders, by necessity, must develop impeccable emotional control. If you develop it, you can recover from setbacks. If not, you'll leave the markets with your tail between your legs, never to return.

The world is full of novice and undisciplined traders who venture into the markets without proper knowledge, abuse leverage, lose everything, and proceed to cry, complain to regulators, or jump out the window.

I've been trading successfully for over fifteen years, and I can confidently say that the difference between a successful trader and a loser lies in their ability to control themselves. In their ability to keep a cool head and maintain ironclad discipline when others opt for madness or despair. A successful trader must treat profits and losses as the impostors they are.

The irony of trading is that to succeed and amass wealth, you must first conquer yourself, control your ego, and learn to put the value of money in perspective. A good trader must keep their head on their shoulders while simultaneously being able to doubt themselves. They must trust their knowledge but keep learning. They must act decisively but not irresponsibly. They must respect money but not obsess over it.

Choosing trading setups, entries, exits, and managing risk is easy.

What's truly difficult is controlling yourself.

To make things worse, the financial industry is designed for you to lose money.

Numerous studies show that the emotional impact of losing 10% of your money is equivalent to the joy of winning 25%, and the financial industry capitalizes on that. Financial institutions make money when you open a new position or close an existing one. Your broker makes money when you change your mind. If you have no positions, your broker will send you optimistic news to buy. If you have positions, your broker will send you pessimistic news to sell. The broker's interface is filled with flashing colors like stuttering traffic lights, intending to cause you anxiety and encourage repetitive transactions.

I'll be brutally honest with you, in case you just fell off the turnip truck.

Financial entities are not your friends. No matter how many years you've been working with them, whether they're regulated and have prestigious awards. The broker's success lies in making you lose discipline to take money out of your pocket and put it in theirs.

Your success, on the other hand, lies in keeping a cool head.

Now, I'm going to say something that might surprise you.

After many years of profitable trading, I've come to the conclusion that to be a successful trader, you only need three things. Just three. The right mindset, understanding the markets, and having the right technical tools. That's it. Nothing more. Everything else is bells and whistles. The first two will allow you to control yourself, choose instruments, and structure your operations, and the third will give you an edge to exploit systematically against other participants.

The mindset is the most important thing for successful trading.

It's impossible to make money in the markets with the mindset of an employee, civil servant, or retiree. Thriving in the markets doesn't require great intelligence, but it does require the right mindset. In trading, like in life, you're your own worst enemy. You come to the markets pre-cursed, and if you're seeking income stability, the markets aren't for you.

Discipline will be your best friend in the markets, and the lack of it will be a terrible curse. Without discipline, the markets will turn your money into carrion for vultures. It's imperative that you develop your discipline before trading, and the best way to do that is outside of the markets, where the price for faltering is modest. The markets, on the other hand, will make you pay the highest price for your weaknesses. If you can't live a disciplined and systematic life before trading in the markets, you’ll send your money to money heaven.

You can start developing your discipline by waking up early and exercising in the morning. Join a crossfit gym, go for a bike ride, or swim fifteen hundred meters. It doesn't matter what, just do it. Whether it's cold or hot, snowing or raining, whether you feel like it or not. Implement a healthy diet and follow it with the systematic approach of a soldier. Throw the TV in the trash and acquire the habit of reading regularly on any topic that interests you: investments, trading, gardening, or philosophy, whatever floats your boat.

Let me repeat that so it sinks in. Don't try trading until you've developed discipline.

Next, you need to understand what markets are and how they work.

You must understand that the markets are an efficient information-discounting machine with a three-year time horizon, and the shorter the time horizon, the more efficient the market is at assigning prices.

This means that any publicly available information has already been discounted by the market before you can do anything about it: I don't care where it comes from. It doesn't matter what specialized media you read, what news sources you follow, or how many newsletters you're subscribed to: you won't be able to consistently extract money from the market using public domain information.

The markets are the great humiliator. The market's mission is to drive you crazy, make you make mistakes, snatch your money, and destroy your self-esteem. The markets enjoy doing what others don't expect and emptying the pockets of all those foolish enough to try to take theirs. The markets are a wealth transmission vehicle from the patient to the impatient and from the educated to the ignorant.

To make money in the short term in the markets, you must know things that others don't, have tools that others don't, and be more disciplined than your adversaries. If you want to make money in the short term, you must turn volatility into your best friend because it's the worst enemy of long-term holders.

The directionality of prices matters, but for a trader, volatility matters more.

Volatility is the nemesis of ignorant investors because it robs them of sleep and drives them to make all sorts of counterproductive decisions. You must understand that in the markets, other participants are your enemies, and volatility increases the probability that they will make mistakes due to anxiety or fear.

Volatility is your adversary's enemy and therefore, your best friend. The more long-term holders there are in a particular asset, the more lucrative it will be for a trader to operate it. You need victims from whom to mercilessly take money when negative emotions invade them. When long-term holders panic and sell valuable assets out of fear of price fluctuations, you must be there to take their money with a smile on your face.

The world is full of investors who are unable to accept market volatility and consequently make colossal mistakes time and time again. When volatility comes into play, investors stampede like frightened buffalo and throw their money off a cliff.

The best traders in the world are dedicated to picking up the money that long-term investors lose due to fear of volatility. In this sense, what instruments to trade matters much more than how you decide to trade them. Most traders don't understand this and fail miserably. You need to trade assets with many fearful long-term holders whom you can empty when they make mistakes and throw their money off the cliff, prey to panic.

The number of long-term holders in a particular asset indicates how attractive it is to trade, and volatility indicates when it's most profitable to do so. The more volatility there is, the more ignorant investors there will be making mistakes and generously donating their money to you.

Most investors lose money in the market for fear of losing money, which is the height of stupidity. They're undisciplined people or gamblers who haven't done their homework and therefore deserve to be stripped of their money mercilessly. He who is about to fall deserves to be pushed, as Nietzsche said.

If you understand the markets and choose what to trade wisely, you'll make fortunes.

Fortunes that others lose.

And finally, you need the right tools.

This is where I come into play. The tools of a good trader are technical indicators and robots. A good technical indicator will allow you to see things that others don't and take full advantage of situations that cause panic and despair to everyone else, as well as improve the timing of your trades.

On the other hand, trading robots will lighten your workload and allow you to focus on the discretionary aspects of trading, delegating order management, exit strategy, and countless other things.

If you trade the right markets, at the right time, and with the right tools, you'll crush it. You'll clean up. You'll be able to take a dump on top of your boss's desk. You'll be able wipe your butt with hundred-dollar bills. You'll feel like you've broken the bank at the Monte Carlo casino every year. You won't distinguish between Tuesdays and Saturdays. You'll have an irresistible conversation for the opposite sex. You'll go to the grocery store in a Ferrari. You'll be able to rent a yacht in the summer and fill it with naked chicks. You'll triple your dating game. You'll extend your sex life beyond fifty…

You get the idea.

If you have discipline and understand the markets, my indicators and robots can make you a fortune because they offer you a statistical edge that you can exploit systematically against your adversaries.

Let me repeat that so it sinks in. My trading tools can make you a boatload of money.

The good news is that most of my trading tools are completely free.

That means you'll get them free of charge. In exchange for nothing. For zero dollars. Zip. Nil. On the house. All you have to do to get them is enter your email, and I'll send them to your inbox faster than you can say "bull market".

Plain and simple. No nonsense. No bullshit. No strings attached.

People tend to dismiss everything free, assuming it has no value, but when it comes to my indicators and robots, you'd be mistaken to do so. On my website, you'll find high-quality free tools, better than the vast majority of paid alternatives you'll find online.

Now, I could brag about my experience as a programmer, the quality and uniqueness of my tools, how robust they are, the flexibility they offer, and the honesty with which I present them, but I'm not going to do that because that's what everyone else does. Instead of that, I prefer you download them and see for yourself.

But I can't give away all my work.

I'd love to offer all my indicators and robots completely free of charge, but it turns out that keeping them updated and answering your burning questions requires some effort and dedication.

Therefore, you should know that I also offer premium tools and I'm going to try to sell them to you because it's my duty. That's how it is. If I didn't, I'd be irresponsible and throwing my only talent down the drain.

I'm not going to beat around the bush.

The market wants your money, the broker wants your money, and I want your money.

But at least I'm being upfront with you and willing to play fair. I won't subject you to sophisticated conversion tunnels, unfulfillable promises, recurring charges, upsells, downsells, or relentless phone calls. There are no rags-to-riches tales here, no reels, shorts, or tweets designed to awaken your greed and urge you to buy something you don't need. What you see is what you get.

If you like my free tools or you've enjoyed my rant, consider the possibility of buying some of my indicators or robots. I'll be eternally grateful, and it will allow me to keep the show running, instead of just lounging around in my penthouse overlooking the ski slopes or chilling in the spa.

I'm aware that if I didn't give away most of my tools, but instead wrapped them in colorful paper and promoted them tirelessly on social media without rocking the boat, I would make much more money than I do now. But to be honest, all of that feels like too much effort to me.

I wish you the best of luck in your trading.
Arturo Lopez Perez - PZ TRADING SLU
Arturo Lopez Perez
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 2
129.00 USD

采用专业和量化方法进行均值回归交易的独特指标。它利用了价格以可预测和可衡量的方式转移并返回均值这一事实,这允许明确的进入和退出规则大大优于非量化交易策略。 [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] 清晰的交易信号 非常容易交易 可定制的颜色和尺寸 实现性能统计 优于大多数交易策略 显示合适的止损和止盈水平 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 这个怎么运作 该指标从更高的时间范围测量完全可定制的移动平均线的标准偏差,并使用趋势跟踪方法精确地找到交易。交易是通过深入当前图表的价格行为发现的,并在价格返回到平均价格区间时关闭,根据您选择的更高时间范围计算。由于其编码方式,该指标将远离高波动性和强劲趋势市场,并且仅在可预测的情况下进行交易,在可接受的波动性与方向性比率范围内,回归均值是可行的。 指标剖析 绿线是更高时间范围内的移动平均线(也就是平均值) 虚线区域是移动平均线周围的典型价格区间 蓝线是看涨交易的突破价格 红线是看跌交易的突破价格

Arturo Lopez Perez - PZ TRADING SLU
Arturo Lopez Perez
PZ Trading turns 11 years old, thanks to all of you. Many thanks.
Arturo Lopez Perez
Timeframe: The timeframe from which the moving average (mean) is calculated. It must be a higher timeframe from the current chart. Std. Dev Period: T he standard deviation period to calculate the typical price band around the mean. Deviations: The multiplier of the typical price band...
Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 3
129.00 USD

采用专业和量化方法进行均值回归交易的独特指标。它利用了价格以可预测和可衡量的方式转移并返回均值这一事实,这允许明确的进入和退出规则大大优于非量化交易策略。 [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] 清晰的交易信号 非常容易交易 可定制的颜色和尺寸 实现性能统计 优于大多数交易策略 显示合适的止损和止盈水平 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 这个怎么运作 该指标从更高的时间范围测量完全可定制的移动平均线的标准偏差,并使用趋势跟踪方法精确地找到交易。交易是通过深入当前图表的价格行为发现的,并在价格返回到平均价格区间时关闭,根据您选择的更高时间范围计算。由于其编码方式,该指标将远离高波动性和强劲趋势市场,并且仅在可预测的情况下进行交易,在可接受的波动性与方向性比率范围内,回归均值是可行的。 指标剖析 绿线是更高时间范围内的移动平均线(也就是平均值) 虚线区域是移动平均线周围的典型价格区间 蓝线是看涨交易的突破价格 红线是看跌交易的突破价格

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 6
299.00 USD

Trade like a time traveler thanks to latency arbitrage Everyone knows that the best way to make money in the markets is by knowing the future. Have you ever wished to know the future price of something in advance? Even if it were just a few days, hours, or minutes ahead? What if it were possible to know it but with less than a second of advance notice? That's precisely what the PZ Latency Arbitrage EA robot does. PZ Latency Arbitrage EA is your personal time machine: but it can only travel into

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 4
299.00 USD

延迟套利是一种交易策略,它允许交易者通过对两个或多个经纪人之间定价效率低下所带来的机会快速采取行动来获得即时利润:它需要与滞后经纪人进行交易,提前知道未来价格,从其他价格馈送中获得,一秒钟前。这些低效率可能是由流动性提供者或经纪人方面的网络问题引起的。在理想的交易条件下,延迟套利是一种零风险策略,不需要分析或指标。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 100% 自托管 这是非常容易使用 没有使用安装程序、配置文件或 DLLS 同时与多达 8 个经纪商交易 交易无限的符号或工具 EA 的每个实例同时充当价格馈送和交易终端。因此,除非您明确想要这样做,否则无需找到快速和慢速的代理或执行复杂的测量。 EA 将与遭受定价缺陷的经纪人进行交易,如果没有,则保持闲置状态。其他特点是: 适应并考虑对代理服务器的 ping 适应点差、佣金、止损位和冻结位 交易可以在到期时关闭 支持非常规符号名称 它可以下SL和TP订单以确保安全 灵活的风险管理 符合 NFA-FIFO 标准 Latency Arbitrage EA 最初于 2014 年开发并于 2015

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 4
126.00 USD

Local Trade Copier EA 是针对需要从外部来源执行交易信号或需要同时管理多个账户的个人交易者或账户经理的解决方案,无需 MAM 或 PAMM 账户。它可以从多达 8 个主帐户复制到无限的从帐户 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 100% 自托管 容易安装和使用 不使用安装程序、配置文件、服务器、内存管道或 DLL 1000 次激活可永久使用 EA 本地执行,无网络延迟 它实现了您需要的所有功能: 最多8个主账户和无限从属账户 适用于所有经纪人和 DD/NDD/ECN/STP 执行 适用于具有不同帐户货币的帐户 在真实账户和模拟账户之间工作不明显 支持主从账户中的符号名称后缀 按幻数和订单评论过滤 不会干扰其他交易 可选择复制 SL 和 TP 水平 可选择复制挂单 支持符号翻译 支持部分关闭 反向模式 灵活的交易规模: - 固定地段 - 乘数 - 成比例的 - 与乘数成比例 EA 可以使用投资者或任何账户的主密码复制交易。 如何将交易从一个主账户复制到一个或多个从账户 在源终端中安装 EA 将 EA

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 1
126.00 USD

Local Trade Copier EA 是针对需要从外部来源执行交易信号或需要同时管理多个账户的个人交易者或账户经理的解决方案,无需 MAM 或 PAMM 账户。它可以从多达 8 个主帐户复制到无限的从帐户 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 100% 自托管 容易安装和使用 不使用安装程序、配置文件、服务器、内存管道或 DLL 1000 次激活可永久使用 EA 本地执行,无网络延迟 它实现了您需要的所有功能: 最多8个主账户和无限从属账户 适用于所有经纪人和 DD/NDD/ECN/STP 执行 适用于具有不同帐户货币的帐户 在真实账户和模拟账户之间工作不明显 支持主从账户中的符号名称后缀 按幻数和订单评论过滤 不会干扰其他交易 可选择复制 SL 和 TP 水平 可选择复制挂单 支持符号翻译 支持部分关闭 反向模式 灵活的交易规模: - 固定地段 - 乘数 - 成比例的 - 与乘数成比例 EA 可以使用投资者或任何账户的主密码复制交易。 如何将交易从一个主账户复制到一个或多个从账户 在源终端中安装 EA 将 EA

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

显示任何实时图表的交易/订单历史的通用指标,非常类似于策略测试器的可视化模式。它允许您检查任何特定交易品种的真实交易历史,以用于教育、改进、逆向工程或诊断目的。它可以与主密码和投资者密码一起成功使用。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 一些主要特点是: 方向分析 每笔交易的损益标签 可定制的颜色和尺寸 利润因子的计算 按工作日和一天中的时间划分的交易活动细分 输入参数 购买箭头:购买箭头的颜色 卖出箭头:卖出箭头的颜色 买入箭头大小:买入和卖出箭头的大小 Close Buy: 买单的关闭颜色 Close Sell:卖出订单的关闭颜色 关闭箭头大小:关闭订单箭头的大小 获胜交易线:显示盈利交易的线颜色 亏损交易线:显示亏损交易的线条颜色 买入线样式:长交易线样式 卖出线样式:短线交易线样式 买入线宽:显示多头交易的线的大小 卖线宽度:显示空头交易的线的大小 赢得贸易标签:盈利贸易标签的颜色 丢失贸易标签:丢失贸易标签的颜色 字体大小:图表标签的字体大小 支持 我很乐意提供免费产品,但鉴于我的时间有限,它们没有任何形式的支持。我很抱歉。 作者

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

显示任何实时图表的交易/订单历史的通用指标,非常类似于策略测试器的可视化模式。它允许您检查任何特定交易品种的真实交易历史,以用于教育、改进、逆向工程或诊断目的。它可以与主密码和投资者密码一起成功使用。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 一些主要特点是: 方向分析 每笔交易的损益标签 可定制的颜色和尺寸 利润因子的计算 按工作日和一天中的时间划分的交易活动细分 输入参数 购买箭头:购买箭头的颜色 卖出箭头:卖出箭头的颜色 买入箭头大小:买入和卖出箭头的大小 Close Buy: 买单的关闭颜色 Close Sell:卖出订单的关闭颜色 关闭箭头大小:关闭订单箭头的大小 获胜交易线:显示盈利交易的线颜色 亏损交易线:显示亏损交易的线条颜色 买入线样式:长交易线样式 卖出线样式:短线交易线样式 买入线宽:显示多头交易的线的大小 卖线宽度:显示空头交易的线的大小 赢得贸易标签:盈利贸易标签的颜色 丢失贸易标签:丢失贸易标签的颜色 字体大小:图表标签的字体大小 支持 我很乐意提供免费产品,但鉴于我的时间有限,它们没有任何形式的支持。我很抱歉。 作者

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

This is a general purpose indicator that displays colored lines at fixed and customizable price intervals, entered as parameters. It offers universal, constant, and familiar price ranges that allow quick and precise price analysis of a currency pair. With default parameters, this indicator implements The Quarters Theory , as described originally by Ilian Yotov . [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to use No optimization needed Customizable price

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

The megaphone pattern is another chart pattern used for technical analysis. There is usually a lot of volatility happening when you spot it in the wild….and volatility equals opportunity in the world of trading. This pattern is famous for its “broadening formation” and the price action also warns of the increased risk ahead. The megaphone chart pattern provides unique entries and exits off different sides of its structure. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

一个简单的交易助手,允许以所需的杠杆轻松买卖。它是为最终交易者或新手交易者创建的,并受到 eToro 或 等流行的基于网络的交易平台的启发。它具有一组实现不同杠杆选项的交易按钮,以及一个用于关闭所有交易的附加按钮。所有交易均根据所使用的杠杆设置止损。这对于从其他平台迁移到 Metatrader 的交易者特别有用。 直观的界面 对短期交易特别有用 使用键盘快捷键快速交易 资金管理变得容易 EA实行严格的杠杆控制机制,将防止损失超过账户资金。 使用键盘快捷键进行交易 Double B:按 B 两次,EA 将买入 双 S:按 S 两次,EA 将卖出 双 C:按 C 两次,EA 将关闭当前图表中的所有交易 输入参数 幻数:用于进行交易的幻数。 滑点:关闭交易时使用的期望滑点。 每笔交易的风险:每笔交易的风险以可用保证金的百分比表示。默认值为 5%。最大值为 100%。 手动点值:交易品种的点值。零意味着 EA 将自动计算它。 杠杆:使用键盘快捷键进行交易时使用的默认杠杆 支持 我很乐意提供免费产品,但鉴于我的时间有限,它们没有任何形式的支持。我很抱歉。 作者

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

Automate your trading with any custom indicator Would you like to automate your trading using a custom indicator of your choice? This EA trades using almost any custom indicator. It offers fully customizable settings, flexible position management, customizable trading sessions and weekdays, an inverse mode and a martingale mode. All the robot needs from you are two inputs: The filename of the indicator to trade The signal buffer or the buy/sell buffers to call That's it! The signal buffer or

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

This Expert Advisor constantly monitors the balance and P/L of your trading account to prevent costly drawdowns and/or take profits. When a certain drawdown or profit target is reached, the EA will alert, close all trades and in some cases, delete all pending orders. Optionally, it can also close all charts to remove all EAs operating in the account. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] The following features are implemented and can be enabled or disabled

Arturo Lopez Perez - PZ TRADING SLU
Arturo Lopez Perez
Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings or whatever floats your boat during these festivities. Spend time with your family, ditch all gadgets for a while and pause to reflect on everything worthy of gratefulness in your life. May the Lord bless you and your family. Thank you.
Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

此智能交易系统会持续监控您交易账户的余额和盈亏,以防止代价高昂的回撤和/或获利。当达到某个回撤或利润目标时,EA 将发出警报,关闭所有交易,在某些情况下,删除所有挂单。或者,它也可以关闭所有图表以删除在账户中运行的所有 EA。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 实现了以下功能,可以随意启用或禁用: 盈亏最大损失 P/L 利润目标 其他好处是: 死好用 它实现了各种警报 向终端报告 技术信息: 它执行每个价格变动并在图表上显示信息 它监控账户上的所有交易和幻数 它可以与投资者密码一起使用,并将监控违规行为并发出警报 如何开始 在单个图表中加载一次 EA 不要在其他图表中加载 EA 自定义您的事件和设置 不理会 EA,永远不要关闭该图表 输入参数 P/L 最大损失:账户可能的最大净值损失,以百分比表示。零值禁用此功能。 P/L 利润目标:账户的利润目标,以百分比表示。零值禁用此功能。 最大损失时停止 EA:选择 i¡ 达到最大损失时必须停止自动交易。 在利润目标上停止 EA:选择在达到利润目标时是否必须停止自动交易。

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

此智能交易系统会持续监控您交易账户的余额和盈亏,以防止代价高昂的回撤和/或获利。当达到某个回撤或利润目标时,EA 将发出警报,关闭所有交易,在某些情况下,删除所有挂单。或者,它也可以关闭所有图表以删除在账户中运行的所有 EA。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 实现了以下功能,可以随意启用或禁用: 盈亏最大损失 P/L 利润目标 其他好处是: 死好用 它实现了各种警报 向终端报告 技术信息: 它执行每个价格变动并在图表上显示信息 它监控账户上的所有交易和幻数 它可以与投资者密码一起使用,并将监控违规行为并发出警报 如何开始 在单个图表中加载一次 EA 不要在其他图表中加载 EA 自定义您的事件和设置 不理会 EA,永远不要关闭该图表 输入参数 P/L 最大损失:账户可能的最大净值损失,以百分比表示。零值禁用此功能。 P/L 利润目标:账户的利润目标,以百分比表示。零值禁用此功能。 最大损失时停止 EA:选择 i¡ 达到最大损失时必须停止自动交易。 在利润目标上停止 EA:选择在达到利润目标时是否必须停止自动交易。

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

金字塔法是一种通过使用成功交易的未实现利润作为新交易的保证金来增加头寸规模的方法。该智能交易系统将在没有您干预的情况下对您的交易进行金字塔式处理。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 轻松地将您成功的交易金字塔 充分利用您的盈利交易 完全可配置的金字塔行为 金字塔与时间框架无关 适用于 ECN/非 ECN 经纪商和 2-3-4-5 数字 在回测中进行随机交易 支持双向交易 用法相当简单: 将 EA 加载到图表 选择交易数量、间隔和金字塔行为 在输入中输入止损和获利(作为余额的百分比) 手动进行初始交易 让 EA 处理剩下的事情 输入 将“EA 交易”加载到任何图表时,您将看到一组选项作为输入参数,按块分组。 金字塔行为 此参数指示 EA 如何处理金字塔交易的手数:手数可以与原始交易相同,每增加一笔交易减少一半或每增加一笔交易增加一倍。 金字塔行动 当您认为合适时,使用此参数关闭交易。 交易量 此参数控制 EA 可以堆积多少笔交易。 初始手数 第一笔交易的手数。 EA 仅在测试器中随机交易。在实时交易中,您必须随机进行第一笔交易。 止损和获利