Olivier Cerf
Olivier Cerf
  • 信息
8+ 年
Beware Traders !! You who have already lost everything and are looking for a way to get your money back, stay away from all the EA’s, indicators, softwares as Metatrader, Jigsaw, Sierra, Bookmap and all other.

All of those subscribers who post thousands of comments on forex blogs are actually paid by various brokers to fuel the myth that you can make money in the financial markets. How do you explain that these people publish all these .ex4 or .mq4 files. This is not within range of the naive individual trader like you and me. Only professionals: mathematicians, computer scientists and other engineers are able to do this, and you think they do all this work for fun? Certainly not!
With the Metatrader platform, brokers can pay specialists to multiply techniques, indicators, EAs, trading styles, insane systems... so that all individual traders will not only waste their money but also their time to test everything and anything, into ultimately ruin themself.
Finally, think about that: universal access to financial markets is a huge opportunity to get rip off millions of naive people!


Olivier Cerf
Olivier Cerf
Le trading c'est comme les champignons, quand on ne connait pas, on ne touche pas !
Olivier Cerf
Olivier Cerf
You who have already lost everything and are looking for a way to get your money back, stay away from all the EA’s, indicators, softwares as Metatrader, Sierra, Bookmap and all other. All of those subscribers who post thousands of comments are actually paid by various brokers to fuel the myth that you can make money in the financial markets. How do you explain that these people publish all these .ex4 or .mq4 files. This is not within range of the naive individual trader like you and me. Only professionals: mathematicians, computer scientists and other engineers are able to do this, and you think they do all this work for fun? Certainly not! With the Metatrader platform, brokers can pay specialists to multiply techniques, indicators, EAs, trading styles, insane systems... so that all individual traders will not only waste their money but also their time to test everything and anything, into ultimately ruin themself. Finally, think about that: universal access to financial markets is a huge opportunity to get rip off millions of naive people!