Ivan Lara
Ivan Lara
Trader Autónomo
41 years old, Financial Analyst, Coach, Scrum Master Specialist and Professional Trader since 2012. Founder and CEO of the Infinity Day Trading Academy in 2018.
We have an Intense 8-month Training Program, where exams are taken at the end of each module. Requirement to pass each module to advance to the next.
The exams are in virtual mode, answering a series of live questions, by means of an oral exam.
Our training is intended for all types of people regardless of their level of knowledge. At the end of the training and qualification as a PROFESSIONAL TRADER, a certificate with AVAL is obtained to practice the profession.
In our training they will receive training as a PROFESSIONAL and ALGORITHMIC TRADER.
Ivan Lara
已发布文章largo eurusd
Es posible que los cortos en dólares estadounidenses aún quieran impulsar el precio al alza en el EUR / USD. Así que voy a ser bastante cauteloso al ejecutar operaciones en este par. Puedo ejecutar pequeñas posiciones u operaciones en este par inicialmente hasta que se confirme un sesgo definido...
Ivan Lara
Ivan Lara
Fundador de la escuela de de TRADERS.
Infinity TRADERS la primer escuela de formación de TRADERS profesionales.
Ivan Lara