
除去暴力爆仓的观点,本ea以稳定盈利为中心 适用品种,audusd,usdchf,nzdusd,usdjpy等等走势相对平稳的货币 本ea提供图表参数,和快捷平仓按钮,桌面文字都是汉语和拼音拼写而成,更方便中国人观看,只需要简单拼读便可以理解变量意思,账户应该保持3000以上的资金,如果小于3000,请将xiadanlaing修改至0.01, 和jiacangjiange修改至900,如果不够可以用美分账户。如果资金量很大可以提高xiadanliang,但请不要高于0.2,jiacangjiange不要低于500. “如果ea盈利高于50%应当将盈利部分取出”保存利润才是交易的根本 解释“zuidazhisunjinekaiguan”最大止损金额开关.如果需要开启,请在输入栏输入“kai”当浮亏金额大于“zuidakuisunjine”就会清仓止损 xiadanliang----------------------------------------下单量 jiacangbeishu-------------------------------------加仓倍数 zhiyingd
Soul Gou
Yuzhu Liu
Language of messages displayed (EN, RU, DE, FR, ES) - language of the output messages (English, Russian, German, French, Spanish). Price for open - open price. If set to 0, the orders will be placed on the following distance from the current price: current price + "The distance in the first order". Lot - lot size for pending orders. Use Order type - type of pending orders. The distance in the first order - distance for the first order in points. Count of orders - number of orders to be opened.