Ruslan Oliynyk
Ruslan Oliynyk
  • software engineer 에 employed
  • 미국
  • 42
software engineer employed
Progress isn't just about lines of code for me. It's about devouring new knowledge, unraveling the logic of the forex market, and whispering sweet nothings (well, maybe some complex algorithms) to my fledgling trading bot. By day, I build digital empires, but by night, I'm an aspiring code-wielding Robin Hood, trying to outsmart the financial forest with a tool of my own making. Wish me luck, the market awaits its newest, ramen-fueled challenger. I am currently working with a team of programmers to build something bigger, better and more efficient than what is currently offered.

프로필 또는 사용자 검색을 통해 친구를 추가하면 친구가 온라인 상태인지 확인할 수 있습니다

Ruslan Oliynyk
MQL5.커뮤니티에 등록됨