I've been using this signal for 2 weeks now, and it's very good; the system works well. However, it doesn't work as well for small accounts because it uses a martingale system (recovery coefficient) that doubles the lot size after a trade is lost. This means that since the base lot size is 0.02 on the signal account, you need at least half of the signal account's capital for it to work effectively, which is $15,000 USD. With a smaller amount, you will get poorer results.
Guys guys u have to listen to me i promiss everything im asked is real First of all he will win u trades then he will burn ur account while ur sleeping or busy he will open biggest loot he can on ur account and make it lose i promiss u on my life DO NOT SUB
The signal does not respect your margin at the brokerage. If you have 100 or 1 million dollars, it will open the same amount of lots. It's bad for those who have a lot of capital, and it breaks the account of those who have little! And the owner of the sign doesn't give a shit about it
Excuse me, why did I subscribe to your signal and your number was 0.03 and mine was 0.01? Is it because I don't have enough money? How much does it cost to be the same as you?
I've been using this signal for 2 weeks now, and it's very good; the system works well. However, it doesn't work as well for small accounts because it uses a martingale system (recovery coefficient) that doubles the lot size after a trade is lost. This means that since the base lot size is 0.02 on the signal account, you need at least half of the signal account's capital for it to work effectively, which is $15,000 USD. With a smaller amount, you will get poorer results.
Hey please STOP depositing money it creates DRAWDOWN on our subscribers account. Just wait for the trades you open or dont open any new one.
great signal, roughly 15k balance to follow at the same risk
Guys guys u have to listen to me i promiss everything im asked is real First of all he will win u trades then he will burn ur account while ur sleeping or busy he will open biggest loot he can on ur account and make it lose i promiss u on my life DO NOT SUB
The signal does not respect your margin at the brokerage. If you have 100 or 1 million dollars, it will open the same amount of lots. It's bad for those who have a lot of capital, and it breaks the account of those who have little! And the owner of the sign doesn't give a shit about it
Excuse me, why did I subscribe to your signal and your number was 0.03 and mine was 0.01? Is it because I don't have enough money? How much does it cost to be the same as you?
So far so good.
For whatever reason stopped trading on the last week of July
Great signal so far! I hope you continue like that.