Added topic Merging of MACD and RSI
This indicator has on the chart buttons that makes it switch between RSI and MACD . The problem is in the fixed min and max in the common tab, there is a prominent difference in readings between MACD and RSI which is the levels. RSI oscillates
Added topic Trendline indicator
Hello, im trying to make an indicator that extends trendlines to the current time on the chart, this is the code  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Left feedback to developer for job Modification of existing indicaor
Left feedback to developer for job Trading panel
Left feedback to developer for job Modification of existing MT4 indicator
Left feedback to developer for job Modification of Existing MQL4 Indicator
Left feedback to developer for job Modification of Existing Robot and Indicators + merging of an indicator with a robot
Left feedback to developer for job Modification of existing MT5 indicator
Left feedback to developer for job Further modification to current indicator
Left feedback to developer for job MACD histogram for MT5
This is the surest way to lose all or a great part of your capital. If you have
bought a stock and it shows you a loss, the trend is moving against you, and it is
very foolish to buy more, which will only increase your losses. The time to
increase buying is when the market is moving in your favor, and you have a
profit. If you intend to make speculation a profitable profession , you must
learn all the rules and apply all of them to determine the trend. Professional
men, such as lawyers, doctors, accountants and engineers spend years in
training and a large amount of money to learn how to succeed in their chosen
profession. You must spend time and money to learn the profession and
become a successful speculator or investor."

A Handy List
Some problems investors face are not isolated to the investing world. Let's look at the "seven deadly sins of investing" that often lead investors to blindly follow the herd:

1. Pride: This occurs when you are trying to save face by holding a bad investment instead of realizing your losses. Admit when you are wrong, cut your losses and sell your losers. At the same time, admit when you are right and keep the winners rather than trying to overtrade your way up.
2. Lust: Lust in investing makes you chase a company for its body (stock price) instead of its personality (fundamentals). Lust is a definite no-no and a cause of bubbles and crazes.
3. Avarice: This is the act of selling dependable investments and putting that money into higher-yield, higher-risk investments. This is a good way to lose your shirt—the world is cold enough without having to face it naked.
4. Wrath: This is something that always happens after a loss. You blame the companies, brokerages, brokers, advisors, CNBC, the paperboy—everyone but yourself and all because you didn't do your due diligence. Instead of losing your cool, realize that you now know what you have to do next time.
5. Gluttony: A complete lack of self-control or balance, gluttony causes you to put all your eggs in one basket, possibly an overhyped basket that doesn't deserve your eggs (Enron, anyone?). Remember balance and diversification are essential to a portfolio. Too much of anything is exactly that: TOO MUCH!
6. Sloth: You guessed it, this means being lazy and not doing your due diligence. On the flip side, a little sloth can be OK as long as it's in the context of portfolio activity. Passive investors can profit with less effort and risk than overactive investors.
7. Envy: Coveting the portfolios of successful investors and resenting them for it can eat you up. Rather than cursing successful investors, why not try to learn from them? There are worse people to emulate than Warren Buffett. Try reading a book or two: Knowledge rarely harms the holder.
Left feedback to developer for job A modification to the current EA
Left feedback to developer for job Modification of existing EA
Left feedback to developer for job Conversion of an MT4 indicator to an EA with some correction to the code
Left feedback to developer for job Convergence/Divergence EA
• Loss aversion: The tendency for people to have a strong
preference for avoiding losses over acquiring gains

• Sunk costs effect: The tendency to treat money that already
has been committed or spent as more valuable than money
that may be spent in the future

• Disposition effect: The tendency for people to lock in gains
and ride losses

• Outcome bias: The tendency to judge a decision by its
outcome rather than by the quality of the decision at the
time it was made

• Recency bias: The tendency to weigh recent data or
experience more than earlier data or experience

• Anchoring: The tendency to rely too heavily, or anchor, on
readily available information

• Bandwagon effect: The tendency to believe things because
many other people believe them

• Belief in the law of small numbers: The tendency to draw
unjustified conclusions from too little information
• Hope: I sure hope this goes up right after I buy it.

• Fear: I can’t take another loss; I’ll sit this one out.

• Greed: I’m making so much money, I’m going to double my

• Despair: This trading system doesn’t work; I keep losing
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi 2018.10.08
Nice one