The legal side of trading. Does anyone have a FAQ? - page 3

Svinozavr >>:

Собственно, жду (ждем), когда пятера как взрослый терминал на биржу выйдет. Для этого у МТ5 все есть.

gip >>:

Uh-uh what? Spit it out.)))
I won't. I'm going to get arrested.
gip >>:
Не буду. Меня зарэжут.


' The bass said ruthlessly:
- Done with the case. White heat."
(M. Bulgakov "M&M")

(sorrowfully) We're losing our best people! // "...and drank immediately."

By the way! Would anyone like one? - cause I'm kind of on my own...

joo >>:

Для всех этих операций не нужны встречные позиции. Торговля может происходить, (Внимание!) если клиент один единственный на земном шаре торгует валютой. Не путать со спот рынком, где происходит реальная поставка валюты.

А то что Вы пишете - чушь.

What you are writing is nonsense. In FX you can also trade with leverage (surprise!). The only difference between forex and FX is that in FX clients trade directly with each other and in forex clients trade through a market maker. But if the client is the only one on the earth, the market maker will not trade with him, because he always needs a counterparty. A market maker is a proxy agent, just because you do not see another client does not mean that there isn't one. You're the one playing the game, taking the risk. The market maker is blunt, i.e. he will not accept your bid to go up, unless he has someone else like you who has made a down bid, he will never take the risk himself.

The FRCM is of course a miracle, a straw man. Well obviously there are problems with regulations and customer awareness of order execution. But nevertheless, protect our everything, mum DC :)

P.S. It's time to set up an arbitration commission to settle disputes with the arbitration commission :)))


The topic is not about the legal side of things anyway, so we can be philosophical.

I don't believe in any gods, but I still believe that the creators of metatrader will burn in hell. It seems to me that more people have suffered from metatrader than from the atomic bomb. There, too, they probably wanted the best, a lot of cheap power to people, but it turned out as it turned out. Giving out such a product to the masses is like giving out grenades to monkeys. The best model grenades, the fastest, most powerful, most lethal grenades.

One of the causes/triggers of the global financial crisis, the subprime crisis, is that home loans were given to the totally marginalized, those who should never have gotten them, they just don't know what to do with them. Massive metatrader has lowered so much the barrier of entry into trading, that those, who in good way should never have got there, for their own good, have got there. And for that the creators of metatrader will burn in hell.

What's the connection to what's being discussed? Just admit the error, no need to philosophise.
gip >>:
Какая связь с обсуждаемым? Просто признай ошибку, не нужно философствовать.
What do you mean? All questions removed, you can philosophise.
What do you mean questions are removed? Your pro-market stories are not relevant to the problem with that pendulum and do not remove the issues. It is an alpariate-client issue, not a market issue. Strictly speaking your musings have only made it foggy.