Does product rating decrease with the no. of products added?

Hey, this question is for registered seller in mql5 market place. Does product rating decrease with the no of products added. Earlier when i uploaded products it had good ratings, but now days the product rating is low and also there are no demo downloads. Please share your experience. 
Abhishek Yadav:
Hey, this question is for registered seller in mql5 market place. Does product rating decrease with the no of products added. Earlier when i uploaded products it had good ratings, but now days the product rating is low and also there are no demo downloads. Please share your experience. 

No , but , the amount of available products in the market is vast so you can increase the "good" traffic that comes to your product pages by doing launches for the same utility across many platform simultaneously . For instance , if you are working on the video of a utility you can wait to post the utility once the video is ready .

What this does is increase the "rating" increasing activity within the same time slot thus allowing you to surpass other products regarding that . their algorithm seems to like momentum.

  • Product publication
  • Video(s)
  • Promotional posts on mql5 profile
  • Posts on social media

You also get google search traffic and website search traffic so word your descriptions appropriately. 

I see some vendors cramming keywords into descriptions but if these keywords are irrelevant they will lead to the ratio of demo_downloads/views to go down (or purchases/views) which will hurt your rank in the end. [the ratio goes down because views increase but the user that found your page is not interested]

Lorentzos Roussos #:

No , but , the amount of available products in the market is vast so you can increase the "good" traffic that comes to your product pages by doing launches for the same utility across many platform simultaneously . For instance , if you are working on the video of a utility you can wait to post the utility once the video is ready .

What this does is increase the "rating" increasing activity within the same time slot thus allowing you to surpass other products regarding that . their algorithm seems to like momentum.

  • Product publication
  • Video(s)
  • Promotional posts on mql5 profile
  • Posts on social media

You also get google search traffic and website search traffic so word your descriptions appropriately. 

I see some vendors cramming keywords into descriptions but if these keywords are irrelevant they will lead to the ratio of demo_downloads/views to go down (or purchases/views) which will hurt your rank in the end. [the ratio goes down because views increase but the user that found your page is not interested]

Hey Thanks for your comment. Do you mean for mt4 ant mt5 simultaneously by many platforms ?

Abhishek Yadav #:

Hey Thanks for your comment. Do you mean for mt4 ant mt5 simultaneously by many platforms ? Please see your MQL DM.

I mean diverse platforms by many platforms .

For instance metaquotes allows you to see the product link before it is published if i recall so you can ready all things linking in to it and , the video and blogs (mql5 blogs) and channels/groups(mql5 channels groups) that you are linking out to (video via the youtube mechanism in screenshots).

Let's say you create a product called chatGPTgrail (bad name , surprised it's not used yet) :

  • You fill in the product page.
  • Link the video for youtube.
  • The video on youtube links back to the product.
  • You have your promo posts ready and you fire the first ones be it posts on social media (i.e. tik tok videos ,instagram stories , facebook video , facebook ads , twitter video , twitter posts etc, google ads, LinkedIn).What is neat about these platforms is they are copying one another so you can post short videos on (tik tok , instagram stories, facebook stories, youtube shorts, linkedIn stories , twitter stories is discontinued i think so twitter video etc)
  • Then your promo posts on this site where you can also schedjule them (on your profile)

So if per 1000 "eyeballs" you get 1 sale , and per 1 sale your market ranking increases  if you pack 5000 eyeballs in the same time period you will effectively increase the rating.

Now has excellent search engine optimization done on it and you are also helping your youtube video by including it in the product page . Not as much as organic discovery traffic but its a starting point.

A simultaneous launch on mt4 and mt5 of the same product could help too i imagine but i've not done one in the past .

What you don't want to do is flood the new page with your products for the same platform .


Yeah, I also wonder if some EAs generate traffic via Google Ads or similar. Having 2000 Demo Downloads in a month is quite something! 

Does the ranking algorithm also count the product page visits?

Eugen Funk #:

Yeah, I also wonder if some EAs generate traffic via Google Ads or similar. Having 2000 Demo Downloads in a month is quite something! 

Does the ranking algorithm also count the product page visits?

If you try to get in their place you would .

If you were the metaquotes you'd have to separate these :

  • Products that make money between them : products that produce money to the site you'd have to gauge which one has more "bucks per view" essentially and you'd have to account for any mal-intent . (i.e. if i flood your product page with visits to hit your rating) So on the top level it probably goes sales per demo download . 
  • Products that make no money you'd have to go per view , free-or-demo/views to gauge which one raises more interest per view.
  • Then you'd have secondary factors (which would be primary in freebies) , like , comments per download , reviews per downloads etc .
  • The hardest part would be mixing the freebies and the paid ones in ranking .
And if you wanted to go full science on it you'd separate the inbound traffic views from the native market views because , the inbound traffic is not affected by the rank of the product and , the inbound traffic can "spill" to other parts of the ecosystem too . So you'd assist that in theory because you want to reward good inbound traffic , like they do with descriptions , they reward translations which in turn generates more traffic for the website as a whole . 
That could be in the form of a pseudo-affiliate system , where , the traffic that starts from Eugen's product pages per say has been found that ends up in a sale for VPS for instance , then they could nudge your stuff up a bit because whatever you are doing -that brings that type of traffic- if you get more sales (by them pumping you up :P) you will keep doing it.
Lorentzos Roussos #:

If you try to get in their place you would .

If you were the metaquotes you'd have to separate these :

  • Products that make money between them : products that produce money to the site you'd have to gauge which one has more "bucks per view" essentially and you'd have to account for any mal-intent . (i.e. if i flood your product page with visits to hit your rating) So on the top level it probably goes sales per demo download . 
  • Products that make no money you'd have to go per view , free-or-demo/views to gauge which one raises more interest per view.
  • Then you'd have secondary factors (which would be primary in freebies) , like , comments per download , reviews per downloads etc .
  • The hardest part would be mixing the freebies and the paid ones in ranking .
And if you wanted to go full science on it you'd separate the inbound traffic views from the native market views because , the inbound traffic is not affected by the rank of the product and , the inbound traffic can "spill" to other parts of the ecosystem too . So you'd assist that in theory because you want to reward good inbound traffic , like they do with descriptions , they reward translations which in turn generates more traffic for the website as a whole . 
That could be in the form of a pseudo-affiliate system , where , the traffic that starts from Eugen's product pages per say has been found that ends up in a sale for VPS for instance , then they could nudge your stuff up a bit because whatever you are doing -that brings that type of traffic- if you get more sales (by them pumping you up :P) you will keep doing it.

Hey Lorentz thanks for your experience, plz add me to your friend list. By this statement you wrote earlier in comments:  What you don't want to do is flood the new page with your products for the same platform . you mean that we must not only make mt5 products? Because that's  problem for me, i only trade and code on mt5 and have only products of mt5. Earlier whenever i posted there was a nice push in demo, or purchase. But now There are fewer demos and purchases. Is this the problem?

Abhishek Yadav #:

Hey Lorentz thanks for your experience, plz add me to your friend list. By this statement you wrote earlier in comments:  What you don't want to do is flood the new page with your products for the same platform . you mean that we must not only make mt5 products? Because that's  problem for me, i only trade and code on mt5 and have only products of mt5. Earlier whenever i posted there was a nice push in demo, or purchase. But now There are fewer demos and purchases. Is this the problem?

Nono , i mean posting them very close to one another  , like in the same week .

For instance if you have 5 products ready to launch , for mt5 only let's say , and you launch all of them today you are widening your net on the new page but it'd be better to widen your net across time .

Think of a product having a "depth" and each step up of that "depth" axis is concurrent activity on multiple "sites" - (ads / social media / videos /etc) 

Okay ? So you want depth now and width across time .

Furthermore if your product launches well mq pushes it up and stays longer in the new section .

Also each new launch is an opportunity to revive your entire selection , another reason to sprinkle launches across time.

(i've added you , the site won't inform you when someone accepts but it will tell you when they delete you  😅)