Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1657

Igor Makanu:

It is painful to watch how you do not understand what you are being told

The indicator draws the curves, well, hooray! - but it's not hooray! (С) - I think it's a cartoon about Prostokvashino))

They write me something like this:
"the indicator draws the curves, well, hooray!-(C) - it seems to be a cartoon about Prostokvashino )))".

Evgeny Dyuka:

People write to me something like this:
"the indicator draws the curves, hooray!-(C) - it seems a cartoon about Prostokvashino )))".

Don't cling to the words, although I don't mind, it's up to you.

I have already written about the article, about the series of losses and profits, I think I also wrote to you, I see no point in repeating myself, but alas, this is the basis of the trading system, and not "crooked" and "mesmerizing


Igor Makanu:

Don't cling to the words, although I don't mind, it's up to you.

I have already written about the article, about the series of losses and profits, I think I also wrote to you, I see no point in repeating myself, but alas, this is the basis of the trading system, and not "crookedness" and "mesmerizing


There is no trading system. There is no trading system.

This is a neural network, it can learn something and then produce something in the real market. The very fact that it has learned and outputs something is very interesting and worth the attention of those who actually do it. Maybe this will become a trading system, and maybe not.
This forum thread is called "Machine Learning in Trading: Theory and Practice (Trading and Not Only)". I'm talking about "not only".

Evgeny Dyuka:

The very fact that it is trained and that something gives very interesting and worth the attention of those who are actually engaged in it.

Well, not surprised at all, according to Maxim's posts in this thread, he posted "tutorials" on the alglib, the codes are compact and can be used without problems

the series of articles on NS is also noteworthy, but they use R - I don't use

OK, the purpose of communication is not clear, OK - surprise!


Evgeny Dyuka:

They write me something like this:
"well, the indicator draws curves, well, hooray!-(C) - it seems a cartoon about Prostokvashino ))).

ahahahah )) cheered up ))


Opened the article on the advice of Igor Makanu

Listed immediately to the "conclusions" and I liked one)

"Let's end this article with a very tough question: maybe the analytical part of the vast majority of TSs is useless, and the main efforts should be focused on efficient and sound money management techniques ("Analytics is nothing, money management is everything else!")?"

Заблуждения, Часть 2: Статистика - лженаука, или Хроника пикирующего бутерброда
Заблуждения, Часть 2: Статистика - лженаука, или Хроника пикирующего бутерброда
Первая часть названия статьи с несущественным изменением пунктуации – цитата из поста самая строгая математика тоже может оказаться лженаукой в руках «исследователя», решившего поиграться красивыми формулами, не имеющими никакого практического применения. Скепсис автора цитаты, даже смягченный тремя...

Opened the article on the advice of Igor Makanu

Listed immediately to the "conclusions" and I liked one)

"Let's end this article with a very tough question: maybe the analytical part of the vast majority of TS is useless, and the main efforts should be focused on efficient and sound money management techniques ("Analytics is nothing, money management is everything else!")?"

I don't agree with that. The point is that analytics is primary, and money management is designed solely to improve the statistics obtained. And even if the statistics have zero profit, it can be slightly corrected in some cases by means of kamital management. So analytics is primary, MM is secondary. I'll give you an example later, if I understand you correctly.

Igor Makanu:

Well, not surprised at all, according to Maxim's posts in this thread, he posted "tutorials" on the alglib, the codes are compact and can be used without problems

the series of articles on NS is also noteworthy, but they use R - I don't use

OK, the purpose of communication is not clear, OK - surprise!


I'm not trying to measure myself against anyone, and I'm not surprising anyone! You're just sick...
Evgeny Dyuka:
I'm not trying to measure myself or surprise anyone! You're just sick...
Evgeny, pay attention that nobody calls you names here, this is one. Secondly, everyone is happy about your successes. Thirdly, they have no practical application. Question: Then what is all your work for?
Mihail Marchukajtes:
Eugene, pay attention that no one here calls you names, that's one. Secondly, everyone is happy about your successes. Thirdly, they have no practical application. Question: Then what is all your work for?
It was not about everyone, there are many adequate. I hope the dialogue will return to the professional sphere.