Added topic Insert variable in technical indicator
Hey there, i am trying to get a variable as a value into my indicator:    for ( i ; i < 7 ; i++ )    {        // Define important variables        double
Added topic ea finished with backtest´s
Hey there i finsihed one of my ea´s and this is the result: Time: 8 months ; Lot: 2. It works "only" on EURUSD (1h and 30min). What is your opinion? Greetings
Added topic Check for specific time
Hey there, i am trying to check if in last two hours there was an ordertype:    if ( OrderSelect (OrdersHistoryTotal()- 1 , SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY) == true )    {        if (OrderType()==OP_BUY)
Added topic no expert.ex4 created
Hi there i just wanted to experiment with my "MACD-expert" a bit. Thats my whole source code: double MacdCurrent, MacdPrevious, SignalCurrent; double SignalPrevious, MaCurrent, MaPrevious; int init() { } int start() { Print ( "Account balance = "
Added topic no expert.ex4 created
Hi there i just wanted to experiment with my "MACD-expert" a bit. Thats my whole source code: double MacdCurrent, MacdPrevious, SignalCurrent; double SignalPrevious, MaCurrent, MaPrevious; int init() { } int start() { Print ( "Account balance = "
Added topic Analyse Source-Code
Hey there, I got a little question, i am working with this indicator: MACD -2, here is a little screen: I would like to know which is the current color, like: if ( current_color == "green" ) {      Print ( "It is green" ); }
Added topic turning from onTick to onStart
Hey there, using this code snippet: void OnTick ()   {    MqlTick last_tick;    if ( SymbolInfoTick ( Symbol (),last_tick))      {        Print (last_tick.time, ": Bid =
Added topic MACD.2 - Check Cloud
Hey there, i got a little question to this: Is is possible to check if the "cloud" turns from red to green and the other way around? Greetings
Added topic mql5buy issue
Hey there, If i want to subscribe to a signal, like this: I click on "Subscribe". Next message i get in my browser is: It mean´s that firefox has no idea how to open the protocol (mql5buy), anybody got an idea how
Added topic specific indicator for checking history
Hey there I am searching for an indicator, which tells how often a apecific chart lost "0.00010" during one minute. Is there anything you know and you have experience with? Greetings
Added topic get last value´s
Hey there I am quite new to mql5 but i already programmed in c++/java/php. I am not sure why my code isnt executed, thats why i am asking here: void OnTick ()   {    MqlTick last_tick; //---    if ( SymbolInfoTick (
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