Hidden divergence - page 23

Prival писал (а) >>

I've never looked at the MACD in terms of Laplace transforms. I was wondering that too. If you get anything from Mathemat , post it.

I myself am curious, Sergey, but the analytical formulas here are unlikely to be nice, if the simplest MACD is a double integral. This is just a primer showing the potential of the analytical approach. This beauty is not suitable for all indicators; in this case one should rather use statistics, i.e. pseudoscience.

Prival писал (а) >>

1. s2101 - This is a misconception, the offset will remain as it was. And you cannot set the max(min) of the indicators you mentioned to coincide or have a constant offset relative to the max(min) of the price chart, they will wander relative to each other. (or again, the constant component and MA are different things, although my statement is true in both cases).

2) Geronimo don't think that nobody reads, they read, and they read carefully, and they write, but you obviously do not read or do not understand what is being said here. Wavelength..., indicator period..., bandpass filter..., EMA speed difference and how it relates to problems with using D/C.

3. I fully support S.K. has already been asked and more than once for clear definitions, concepts, criteria. If this appears, then we will move from the dead point.

Z.U. I have never looked at MACD from the perspective of Laplace transforms. It has also become interesting. If you get anything Mathemat will post it.

It's good to be read. I agree, I was badly taught by professor Stakhov (Fibonacci series) and Rothstein (extrapolation). More precisely, I was a bad student of mathematics. But A. Elder, E. Derman, S. Glazyev ... even though they only taught me by correspondence, they convinced me that mathematics, physics... have very little to do with psychology and economics. And although there are cyclical fluctuations superimposed on the constant non-cyclical components of the trend, the wavelength is such that not all of us will live up to the nearest extreme of the conjuncture cycle. Statistical methods, on the other hand, are another matter. However, I will not go into scientific theorising. We are read by people who want to know ready-made recipes, and preferably working ones. So I have offered the simplest, but working observation.

There are a lot of missed Hidden D-C signals here (and not a good example at all).
When trading manually, I determine it sequentially by comparing two neighbouring fractals (from 3 bars or on the shoulders - I agree with Kelasev) on the price and on the indicator. As a rule, their tops do not coincide and I allow usually 2-4 bars for a mismatch. While forming the 3rd fractal, I define by eye the difference in deviations between the price and indicator and in what period of time it occurs ..... The vertical scale, the type of the indicator and its parameters, the time scale, the presence of the impulse and possible wave analysis, etc. I select them depending on the indicator and the instrument ... I do a lot of things on paper. Of course I would like to automate it, that's why I have a rough ToR, which I am afraid to show or give to work so far. All the time it seems that something is missing.

Let me remind you how a wave develops.

To the same subject.

Eugene Kogan once instructed his traders to sell everything they could because his mother, after much doubt, came to buy on the stock market.

Geronimo писал (а) >>

There's a lot of missed signals here from the Hidden D-K (and not a good example at all).

Probably (I mean not a good one).
On your figure, though very small (probably, so as not to be noticed :-)) where the first D/A is shown (white line) you can very clearly see another D/A (inside of the one shown), only the price didn't rush up after it, but instead turned down to the point you specified (marked with a triangle) forming another D/A. Question: What to do with the first signal?

Mathemat писал (а) >>

.... analytical formulas are unlikely to be pretty here...

Where is the world going, and to hear it from Mathemat :-)

Xadviser писал (а) >

Probably (I mean not a good one).
But the price didn't break up at the point you've specified (it is marked with a triangle) and made another B/A (inside of it). Question: What should I do with the first signal?

Chalk it up so it will not be noticed by DTs. I will now zoom in and check it out. Maybe with some general help we can polish up the definitions. Or would you like to hear the Voice of the Oracle?

I DON'T SEE IT. Point me in the direction. Leading graph is top. Let's count the fractals to the left of the beginning of the white line. Mind you, we're only talking about the Hidden D-K.

By the way, my question to Mathemat is off-topic - can you fix the compound interest formula from here for free, if I'm not mistaken anywhere? If you feel sorry for wasting time, don't insist.

By the way, what do you think of Stakhov's work on Fibonacci Rows ( Help for new converts to the religion of MQL, numerology, wave analysis, golden ratio...) )


<a target="_blank" href="" =""


Geronimo, To save the drawing in the terminal, right-click on the graph... A menu will appear... Select "Save as drawing"...

The result is a clear picture on the forum... Good luck...

Geronimo писал (а) >>

In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that my post on page 8 is only visible to me. can someone copy here?

In general, I enjoy debatingwith you s2101. And I'm even glad you haven't figured out page #8 it keeps the topic alive otherwise it would have stalled long ago due to extreme clarity.

I wonder what the time lag is with the appearance of posts? Who knows?

Who moderates this thread please tell me.

There is nothing new in the post on page 8, and what has been said has been repeated many times.
And I have nothing to discuss with you. Except to persuade you to learn the basics of tehanalysis. But what do I care about it.

=I had to introduce the concepts of general and local D/K when researching for accuracy of signals. A local D/K signal is always an accurate (within-frame) signal on any frame (note Geronimo - soit is a Hidden D/K).

Exactly the opposite is true - it's a refined classical divergence (or convergence). You still don't get it. I'm sure you won't soon either.

My expression =If the constant component is removed, the accuracy will seriously improve. And you can do it by putting the trend indicators in the indicator window (and not only MA). (This also has some peculiarities). In this case the indicator lines are not shifted and the reversal ...=

and Prival's comment =This is a misconception, the shift remains as it was. You cannot set max(min) of the indicators you just mentioned coincide or have a constant shift relative to max(min) of the price chart, they will roam relative to each other. (or again, the constant component and MA are not the same thing, though my statement is true in both cases)=.

Note*. In the last picture (Daily) the correction indicators have converged at the top, a local divergence, the moment of the reversal downwards. Exactly this reversal moment on the lower frames is shown in details in the article "Flow analysis...".

The operation with trend indicators is done like this

Or like this:

Or like this

s2101 писал (а) >> ,

There is nothing new in the post on page 8, and what has been stated in different variants has been repeated many times.
And I have nothing to discuss with you. Except to convince you to master the basics of tehanalysis. But it does not concern me.

=To this end, I had to introduce the concepts of general and local D/C when researching for signal accuracy. A local D/C signal is always an accurate (within-frame) signal on any frame (Geronimo's note - soit is a Hidden D/C).

Exactly the opposite is true - it's a refined classical divergence (or convergence). You still don't get it. I'm sure you won't soon either.

My expression =If the constant component is removed, the accuracy will seriously improve. And you can do it by putting the trend indicators in the indicator window (and not only MA). (This also has some peculiarities). In this case the indicator lines are not shifted and the reversal ...=

and Prival's comment =This is a misconception, the shift remains as it was. You cannot set max(min) of the indicators you just mentioned coincide or have a constant shift relative to max(min) of the price chart, they will roam relative to each other. (or again, the constant component and MA are not the same thing, though my statement is true in both cases)=.

Note*. In the last picture (Daily) the correction indicators have converged at the top, a local divergence, the moment of the reversal downwards. Exactly this reversal moment on the lower fractions is shown in details in the article "Flow analysis...".

It is done like this:

Or like this:

Or like this.

I think that your main misconception is that you are absolutizing the pictures based on psychology on the price chart, and above I showed the psychology of wave formation by traders. This is the basis of John Samma's anti-crowd trading strategies or conversely the more global Crowd Wisdom by James Szurojewski, Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance Fields, Jung's on the collective unconscious, .... the works of Thomas Oberlechner, I don't even mention... .And the calculator is based on a way of calculating. What I am saying is that with some inertia calculators one can sometimes successfully catch (if one formulates the rules correctly) the end of TREND corrections. And that's what we call a Hidden D-K.


The fact that there is nothing new is a good thing. The main thing is that it works because it confirms rather than predicts. All the rest is from the field of fiction and, if again in your style - SPLOSH PATTERNS. You have written so much supposedly new and it is a great work - I sympathize and even empathize, and most importantly support - I am serious. I think when you manage to formulate a comprehensive set of rules for a strategy you manage to program your articles will turn into one page of Rules.

s2101. The pictures are very well chosen... on the candles that have already been put together. Even my students are a little... how shall I put it... chuckle. Try to characterise the situation just now (and a very interesting one) on the yen crosses and then your self-promotion will be effective. Please tell me in which place of your articles to find original techniques and trading points unknown to you before? It's difficult for a blonde to find. I can only find descriptions of obvious things (taken from history) with "pulled-out" add-ons. Geronimo. Which "calculators" have you tried? I "catch" trend continuation diverters with RSI(21) and JRSX in turbo version. Closing on a reverse dc. Reversal, after a good trend, I consider from H1 (minimum). The reversal seems to be out of the question, but I don't neglect it. Based on my practice I can say that using MA oscillator in real time (not on history) can be dangerous in real trading (robot too), especially for pairs with yen, well, except for confirmation. IMHO. ---------------- Someone wrote... Response. I write and speak in Russian and English. I do not speak any other languages. Rarely, but I work with a high-class English-speaking programmer and have no problems in mutual understanding.
Geronimo = You want to put it your way. - ALL THE REST IS NONSENSE, VANITY, FUSS AND HAND-WRINGING AND POINTLESS TWIDDLING OF HANDS, FEET AND ... HEADS. AND ONLY INCREASES THE ENTROPY OF THIS TOPIC. (A paraphrase of my generation knows who)=Absolutely true. This is inherent in you. =I think that when you manage to formulate a comprehensive set of rules for a strategy that you manage to program your articles will turn into one page of Rules. = What is written, you can't even understand. What kind of programming can we talk about? And for many this became the rules more than 4 years ago.