Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 4

Aleksei Stepanenko:

It doesn't matter. Creatures without neurons have intelligence. Peculiar, but broadly speaking, it's intelligence.

I've been doing a lot of reading, digging... I won't argue that any living thing is perceptive. That implies that it is also capable of reacting in accordance with what it perceives. But in your example we're not talking about logic and intelligence. The amoeba here acts as a creature with reflexes. That is, it has reflex reactions to the light it produces. If you do not include reflexes in intelligence, you are not talking about intelligence. As far as I understand, science seems to separate the sphere of mind from the sphere of reflexes?

Реter Konow:

I was talking about the obstacles in the development of AI. The fixation on commercial gain hinders the branching out of research into the mind and psyche in companies that work in the IT field. That is, they're creating product to recoup their investment and think about it first, and the product is always limited to user demand. Consequently, from a business plan perspective, the long and futile invention of the real Mind is pointless in the current moment and should be abandoned.

Well, that is, you yourself have identified why the commercial fields will constantly slow down and lag behind in this direction. You just don't take into account non-commercial developments, which have a slightly different purpose than releasing to the market. And that is where things have progressed much more significantly.

Re-tag Konow:

As for the fundamental limitations of AI - it is too early to talk about that now, as it does not yet exist... But, there will undoubtedly be limitations. - These are higher mental functions, such as love, loyalty, self-sacrifice for a higher purpose... It's unlikely that an AI would be capable of that.

Self-sacrifice can be programmed. Terminator 2 already did that. Although the issue there was cyborgs. That is, synchronized machinery with living, so to speak, material. And this is also not a bad direction to work in.

Manifestation of love, loyalty and anything else can also be programmed. The only thing that in principle a machine will not be able to do is to experience all of this. That's the difference. But then again, synchronized beings with AI, or biological material combined with technology, are perfectly capable of doing that. And that's the nuance that has strongly influenced experiments not only on various creatures, but also on humans.

Vitaliy Maznev:

If you don't include reflexes in intelligence, then we are not talking about intelligence here.

The task of a salesman is difficult for a developed intellect, what to say about reflexes. Just thinking of intelligence, we imagine the brain, which is a more global thing. There's natural selection and that universe where we're kind of alone.
Aleksei Stepanenko:

The task of a salesman is difficult for a developed intellect, what to say about reflexes. Just thinking about intelligence is imagining the brain, which is a more global thing. There's natural selection and that universe where we're kind of alone.

And have you read how this problem is solved at the expense of an amoeba? I almost racked my brains trying to figure it out. There's a neural network that does the highlighting. And the amoeba reacts exclusively to that. It reflexively avoids more illuminated areas. Instead of an amoeba, you could use a liquid like water for the same purpose and see how it spreads out along its trajectory. Only for water, instead of light, some complex topography is required.

Or rather the amoeba has two tasks: 1) To absorb nutrients, 2) while avoiding light.

Both tasks are solved by reflexes.

Vitaliy Maznev:

Well, that is, you yourself have identified why the commercial fields will continually slow down and lag behind in this direction. You just don't take into account non-commercial developments, which have a slightly different purpose than the release to the market. And these are the areas where things have progressed far more significantly.

Self-sacrifice can be programmed. Terminator 2 already did that. Although the issue there was cyborgs. That is, synchronized equipment with living, so to say, material. And this is also not a bad direction to work in.

Manifestation of love, loyalty and anything else can also be programmed. The only thing that in principle a machine will not be able to do is to experience all of this. That's the difference. But then again, synchronized beings with AI, or biological material combined with technology, are perfectly capable of doing that. And that's the nuance that has strongly influenced experiments not only on various creatures, but also on humans.

Well, maybe there are non-commercial developments and they are ahead of commercial ones, no doubt, but this "Pandora's Box" will still open and the world will get something out of it that is "very unbelievable". No one will control the AI, because the AI will control everyone. And not because of violence against people, but because people will appoint him as their "master".

Yes, it is unlikely that it will be able to feel human emotion and pain, hence ambitions, aspirations or grievances will not be known to it, only, people will still obey it because of the strange psychological trait of becoming slaves to their own technology (c) Eagles, Hotel California.

Maxim Kuznetsov:
Firstly and as an "intelligence" it is in principle impossible on the existing base. As an attachment-amplifier what you get is useful.

I liked Porfirievich. He writes almost like a local author. A few edits and you can't tell the difference 😉

The financial market, is AI) People are there to donate. People working for the market, from programmers to client managers, have created AI with their ideas and actions and developments) It lives as long as it is energised by people who are in the market as employees and people who go there as donors. Like a pendulum (according to Zeland), and a destructive one at that.

Peter Konow wrote that the commercial component is the main one. This is clear, the costs must always be recouped. The more masses the product can reach, the better.

Many people work to maintain the market idea, including those on this forum. They all have to eat, and at someone else's expense.)

What ex-employee Solomon Brothers writes about the market, you can check out the book Poker Liars. I have already advised one of them. He denied it and still believes it's possible to make money)

Propaganda, news, articles, analysis, etc. - Part goes autogenerate, just to stuff more information and spur demand for products that the market generates.

P.S. I recently found some information on the Internet about a trader from Goldman Sachs and his team. They advertise their educational courses now (for several years now), actively implanting in people's heads the idea that it is possible to make money. That's a bummer. From Goldman Sachs and suddenly teaching, teaching nerds in the market to make money. You know who the target audience is? People who are fed up with the idea of making money but can't get off. And here they are at Goldman, the pros are their hope and their real chance.

Hope dies last.

Or you become part of the system, working for the system and in it. By mucking up the donors. Or the system poaches you as a donor.)

I understand the vast majority of the forum is part of the system.

As I understand it, the amoeba gives probabilistic answers, something akin to a quantum computer. That is, the geometric complexity of the problem is solved in linear time.
Vitaly, of course if you look at it from our bell tower, you could call it reflexes. But they are very well-tuned reflexes, honed over millions of years. They can solve logical problems. There is something to it, if you look at the big picture.
Aleksei Stepanenko:
As I understand it, the amoeba gives probabilistic answers, something like a quantum computer. That is, the geometric complexity of the problem is solved in linear time.

Well, yes. It reflexively chooses optimal trajectories. Its perception as a creature is equipped with mechanisms of consumption and self-protection. These are the mechanisms it uses. But if I'm wrong that it refers to reflexes, correct me, Alexei. To read the phrase "quantum computer" to me does not yet mean to turn off the critical side of intelligence. As much as I watched the article (even followed the links to primary sources), I didn't notice anything there on the amoeba side other than reflexes. But perhaps I wasn't looking at it properly. Correct me then. :)


The financial market, is AI) People are there to donate. People working for the market, from programmers to client managers, have created AI with their ideas and actions and developments) It lives as long as it is energised by people who are in the market as employees and people who go there as donors. Like a pendulum (according to Zeland), and a destructive one at that.

Peter Konow wrote that the commercial component is the main one. This is clear, the costs must always be recouped. The more masses the product can reach, the better.

Many people work to maintain the market idea, including those on this forum. They all have to eat, and at someone else's expense.)

What ex-employee Solomon Brothers writes about the market, you can check out the book Poker Liars. I've already advised one of them. He denied it and still believes it's possible to make money)

Propaganda, news, articles, analysis, etc. - Part goes autogenerate, just to stuff more information and spur demand for products that the market generates.

P.S. I recently found some information on the Internet about a trader from Goldman Sachs and his team. They advertise their educational courses now (for several years now), actively implanting in people's heads the idea that it is possible to make money. That's a bummer. From Goldman Sachs and suddenly teaching, teaching nerds in the market to make money. You know who the target audience is? People who are fed up with the idea of making money but can't get off. And here they are at Goldman, the pros are their hope and their real chance.

Hope dies last.

Or you become part of the system, working for the system and in it. By mucking up the donors. Or the system poaches you as a donor.)

I understand the vast majority of the forum is part of the system.

There is no intelligence at all in the foreign exchange market. Not a word at all. None at all.

The mass apophenia is there and the self-seeking (apt word) exponent. There they are.

But the intelligence and insidious intentions are not. The trick of the puppet is its absence