how to get more chart data


what is the proper way to make mt4 download more previous data from the broker ? Some people say just keep scrolling back but this isnt working for me my chart wont scroll back past december 12 2009 it stops right there in every timeframe.



It may seem like a lengthy list of steps but it really is pretty quick to do, I just used lots of words in hopes of being as complete as possible so there was less guessing needed on the reader's part.


I followed those instructions it put a fake bar on my chart with the fake date but it wouldnt fill in the gap between it and the first real one when i hit refresh chart the data stays the same as before


Then that means your broker really doesn't have any more data to give you.

You can try this post to get more data if you need, but it isn't the same as having the data from your broker of course.


tools -> options -> max history=999999999999999999999

tools -> history center -> pair -> M1 -> Download

I got Sep 1999 to present


I got Sep 1999 to present

What you got was crap data from metaquotes server, nothing from the broker, and even worse the metaquotes crappy data just overwrote what little bit of good data you had accumulated from your broker.

yes thats why I didnt use the download button i dont want the metaquotes data I heard it is unreliable, it seems you are right my broker doesnt have any more data the strange thing is

1minute chart has data from April 29 2010

5 minute from Feb 22 2010

15 minute chart has no data before today 14th June 2010

30 minute chart has data from 11 Dec 2009

1hr chart from 11 Dec 2009

4hr chart from 11 Dec 2009

Daily chart from 11 Dec 2009

Weekly chart from 6 Dec 2009

Monthly chart from 6 Dec 2009


SDC that is odd, I haven't come across a broker yet (limited experience on my part I admit) that doesn't have daily/weekly/monthly data that goes back to ~1979. Some of the crosspairs, like CADJPY, do have limited data going only back to ~2006 regardless the broker.


I dont understand it either, especially as the pair I was refering to in the above list is EURUSD


What broker? (not that my knowing your broker will enable me to resolve your conundrum, rather I'm just curious)

