A profit cal pronlem..Need Help ..please


good day

if i opened two symbol orders,how to sum up a certain symbol orders' profit,now mmatter it is 0- or 0+ .

waiting ....

kindly regard .


The variables with iInFront are global variables. Just check the variable iAllProfit after the function call.

int Count_Total_Magic_Symbol(){
    iAns=0; iAllProfit=0; iAllSize=0;
    for(i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--){
        if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)){
            if(OrderMagicNumber()==iMagic && OrderSymbol()==iSymbol_){
            iAns++; iAllProfit+=OrderProfit(); iAllSize+=OrderLots();}}}

The variables with iInFront are global variables. Just check the variable iAllProfit after the function call.

thanks .

I programed like this before ...

but it return value is 0 . I want to study it why it works fail ... can u tell me,plase ?

double OrdersProfitsSumUp()


double sum=0;

int total = OrdersTotal();

for(int i=total-1;i>=0;i--)


OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS);
















Perhaps it cannot go pass this if(symbolprofit_orders[i]!=0) because the array value equals 0. Try debugging, after the first if{statement} put a Alert( "Code_Made_It_This_Far" ), run it through the back-tester. If the Alert triggers on the first If, move it down to the next If and so-on. You can sometimes start from the inner If and work you way outward if you think the problem lies there. You can also Alert values like Alert( symbolprofit_orders[i] ). Alert, Prints within the back-tester. It's probably better to use Print on live charts it you don't want the pop-ups.

Also, I cannot see your Array Declaration. Did you give the Array a proper size? Are you re-sizing the Array to allow for more data. You have to manage Array resources yourself otherwise it'll not work. Good Luck.


Perhaps it cannot go pass this if(symbolprofit_orders[i]!=0) because the array value equals 0. Try debugging, after the first if{statement} put a Alert( "Code_Made_It_This_Far" ), run it through the back-tester. If the Alert triggers on the first If, move it down to the next If and so-on. You can sometimes start from the inner If and work you way outward if you think the problem lies there. You can also Alert values like Alert( symbolprofit_orders[i] ). Alert, Prints within the back-tester. It's probably better to use Print on live charts it you don't want the pop-ups.

Also, I cannot see your Array Declaration. Did you give the Array a proper size? Are you re-sizing the Array to allow for more data. You have to manage Array resources yourself otherwise it'll not work. Good Luck.

Thanks for your advises, I debuging though the script, run it directly and I know the problem lies





,I try to retuen OrderProfit(),the value is correct, but when I symbolprofit_orders[i]=OrderProfit();, then it returns value is 0 .

Why do you need the Array variable? When a normal variable will do the same job.
Why do you need the Array variable? When a normal variable will do the same job.

I am sorry, I am newbie in this area ..... so ..my knowlegde is limited ... and ask for help here,...

Try going through the Book. It'll give you a more comprehensive explanation. It can take a whole week to find errors when you're new, so its best to minimize errors as much as possible. In other-words, I rather re-write the damm thing from scratch then fix the one I've got.