Connection problem? ='(

Recently I have been problems with the connection of MT. The market data seems to be flowing in nicely when the 'Connection Box (?)' at the bottom right of the screen is limey colour (like the colour in the pic), but sometimes when it turns to brown/dark green, the data is frozen, so I can only assume that the colour suggests that the connection is lost or there is some problems with it. How do I elimiate this problem?


*PS it'd be great if anyone could explain what the numbers mean e.g. : [i]48/0 kb [/i
Hello Wolf,

as far as I had find out, the green color shows that you are connected, red (or brown) shows disconnected. The numbers seem to show the amount of received/send data.

I have this problems sometimes if I am moving around with my computer and loosing the wlan connection or on weekend, when trade is closed. But during the week, I don't have this problem. Maybe you are testing with the Metaquotes testserver and they are updating their servers? Maybe thats the difference.

If I am wrong interpreting the numbers, maybe someone from Metaquotes can correct me.

with regards, cori
Thanks cori.

Anyone know how to minimise the chances of it being disconnected?
Anyone know how to minimise the chances of it being disconnected?

change your ISP
I think this is out of your control.

Maybe it is the server, you are connected to, maybe your provider disconnects you or anything else.

I have not encountered this problems during the week as I have described above. I am connected with Alpari at

It's definately an ISP problem.

I signed up to SBC DSL about 3 weeks ago and get this all the time. SBC has done many things to try to fix the problem but so far to no avail.

The strange thing is when I hook up with dial up I have no problem. If I lose the connection then I have a program redial my ISP and MT3 reconnects without a hitch.

You'd think that a faster connection would be better? So while I wait for SBC here I am on dial up again. It's slow but at least it's reliable.
Thanks for the responses. Yep, i think there's a bigger problem since im using Wireless LAN, so the data has to be sent to and fro the router, which could cause problems. Ahh well, back to dial up for me as well thenn =|