Broker for MT4

I'd like to know if there are any broker supporting the new MT4 for live accounts?

InterbankFX told me it'll be later this week, but with all the bugs being reported, I would think they might delay.

- Vooch
I'd like to know if there are any broker supporting the new MT4 for live accounts?


Well metaqoutes are keeping tight lipped about it and saying its confidential information.
and won't say who's using the software.

their soultion if you want to find someone is to use google.

HAHA!!! thats a joke.. tried yesterday. the first 2000+ results using metatrader and metatrader 4 just gives results for search engines with that term or metaqoutes or alpari..

you would think it would be in metaqoutes best interest and the brokers that use this software to list which companies use the platform, obviously they don't want to be helpful.
The only brokers in the USA that I know of using MetaTrader are: and
InterbankFX told me it'll be later this week, but with all the bugs being reported, I would think they might delay.

- Vooch

I questioned InterbankFX, just before the end of last month about this. I received a reply on July 1, stating that they had not yet (at that time) received a working copy of MT4, and that they didn't "expect to see any change in the near future."

I would like to see them switch, as I have an indicator that I wish to use that won't work on MT3 due to the lack of one function in that version.

G'Jim c):{-
I received a reply from InterbankFX on July 3rd, and I quote:

"We will be supporting MetaTrader4 by the end of this week or beginning of next week."
I'd like to know if there are any broker supporting the new MT4 for live accounts?


Yes will lunch soon in about a month i think i use them as a broker and im glad to trade with them try their demo or call them for a more correckt answer.

Thanks Guys!

Hope they will start MT4 soon, and we can use this good platform to make $ !!
