Experiment - page 257

Yousufkhodja Sultonov #:

The indicator shows BAY up to 1st May during this period. See the picture above. Yes, you are right, there is no 100% match. Well, that's the cost of incomplete matching, as everywhere else.

I agree that there is no ideal. But if the indicator has been giving false direction for almost 3 months, it obviously indicates that the period is selected incorrectly.

khorosh #:

I agree that there is no such thing as perfect. But if an indicator is giving a false direction for almost 3 months, it clearly indicates that the period is not chosen correctly.

I wrote above that you need to test on history before assigning a sample.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov #:

Take your time, everyone will be judged by the experiment itself - it will either flatten me or all of you - my zealous opponents. There's no other way. I will accept, with honour, either outcome. Just don't get ahead of yourself. You'll have time to drag me through the mud and enjoy the fruits of your hatred.

Nah, Yusufhodja, it's time to end this hand-wringing.
It was clear to experienced experimenters even before this baby was born that it would be a stillborn child.
Time to change the shuffle and branch and save the remaining tens of dollars.
The sand is crumbling and nothing lasts forever under the moon.
I can give you a new lure. :))
Collatz Hypothesis:

Nikolai Semko #:

I can give you a new lure. :))

That's it! The grail has been found. It turns out it was necessary to take the logarithm and subtract the linear component.

Thank you, Nikolai!

Aleksei Stepanenko #:

That's it! The grail has been found. It turns out it was necessary to take the logarithm and subtract the linear component.

Thank you, Nikolai!


Nikolai Semko #:

Nah, Yusufhodja, it's time to end this hand-wringing.
It was clear to experienced experimenters even before this baby was born that it would be a stillborn child.
Time to change the shuffle and branch and save the remaining tens of dollars.
The sand is crumbling and nothing lasts forever under the moon.
I can give you a new lure. :))
Collatz Hypothesis:

Keep the PNB for your "unsolved" problem, the PNB has been dealt with in a fraction of a second:



Initial row on PNB "input": 19, 58, 29, 88, 44, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
Yousufkhodja Sultonov #:

Keep the PNB for your "unresolved" problem, the PNB dealt with it in a split second:

Nikolai Semko #:

What is this comrade shouting about?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov #:

What is this comrade shouting about?

This comrade is shouting that the usual non-linear extrapolation of a series proves nothing. It's an ordinary non-linear extrapolation
