Close All Position in all Charts of Achieving Equity Percentage Growth


double initial_deposit=AccountEquity();

extern int ProfitPerc=10;

i have defined this in start of the trade.

Then i have the following line for closing the trade of earning 10% Growth in Equity. I want to 

 if ((AccountEquity()-initial_deposit>=(ProfitPerc*initial_deposit)/100))


               if (AccountEquity()>initial_deposit){ initial_deposit=AccountEquity();}

                  CloseOrder(); //This function closes all open positions in that Chart

  initial_deposit=AccountEquity() // initial_deposit gets updated to new AccountEquity()


Here i have a problem.

Case 1

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 110

The above case all trades will get closed and initial balance will be updated to 110. Perfect

Case 2

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 105

At this Point if we deposit money to our account. say 50 $

Initial Deposit = 100 (remain same at the time of deposit)

Account Balance = 190 (increases from 140)

Profit/Loss = -30 (Remain Same)

Current Account Equity = 155 (increases from 105)

Here is the real problem. As per the above order close condition, the Equity has been increased by 55% which is more than the 10% close condition. All Trades are closed.

I am really stuck here. The Orders should be closed on earning 10% profit and should not close while doing deposit.

Please help me friends

Use AccountProfit() to calculate your profit, and not AccountEquity().
Vijay Akash T P:

double initial_deposit=AccountEquity();

extern int ProfitPerc=10;

i have defined this in start of the trade.

Then i have the following line for closing the trade of earning 10% Growth in Equity. I want to 

 if ((AccountEquity()-initial_deposit>=(ProfitPerc*initial_deposit)/100))


               if (AccountEquity()>initial_deposit){ initial_deposit=AccountEquity();}

                  CloseOrder(); //This function closes all open positions in that Chart

  initial_deposit=AccountEquity() // initial_deposit gets updated to new AccountEquity()


Here i have a problem.

Case 1

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 110

The above case all trades will get closed and initial balance will be updated to 110. Perfect

Case 2

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 105

At this Point if we deposit money to our account. say 50 $

Initial Deposit = 100 (remain same at the time of deposit)

Account Balance = 190 (increases from 140)

Profit/Loss = -30 (Remain Same)

Current Account Equity = 155 (increases from 105)

Here is the real problem. As per the above order close condition, the Equity has been increased by 55% which is more than the 10% close condition. All Trades are closed.

I am really stuck here. The Orders should be closed on earning 10% profit and should not close while doing deposit.

Please help me friends

I dont want the trades to getting close when we add deposit to the account. How to handle this deposit issue here

Vijay Akash T P:

I dont want the trades to getting close when we add deposit to the account. How to handle this deposit issue here

@Fabio Cavalloni has given you the solution - AccountProfit() will not change when you make deposit, so use it instead of AccountEquity().

Seng Joo Thio:

@Fabio Cavalloni has given you the solution - AccountProfit() will not change when you make deposit, so use it instead of AccountEquity().

yes AccountProfit() i agree. 

I want to close all trades in all open charts of reaching a 10% increase in Equity. That is Starting Equity 100, I want to close and restart all the trades fresh when the equity increases to 110.

Even When AccountProfit is negative, i still managed to increase the equity by 10%. Fresh Start over so that we stay with trend.

At this juncture if i deposit to my account, the EA treats that as an increase in equity and closes all trades.

Vijay Akash T P:

I dont want the trades to getting close when we add deposit to the account. How to handle this deposit issue here

If(AccountEquity()>=AccountBalance()+AccountBalance()*10/100) CloseAll.
Vijay Akash T P:

yes AccountProfit() i agree. 

I want to close all trades in all open charts of reaching a 10% increase in Equity. That is Starting Equity 100, I want to close and restart all the trades fresh when the equity increases to 110.

Even When AccountProfit is negative, i still managed to increase the equity by 10%. Fresh Start over so that we stay with trend.

At this juncture if i deposit to my account, the EA treats that as an increase in equity and closes all trades.

I don't think AccountEquity() can increase by 10% (from the StartupEquity) when AccountProfit() is negative, if you stick to these steps:

if (OrdersTotal()==0)
   StartupEquity = AccountEquity();

// :
// Do whatever necessary to open new trades, if so desired.
// :

if (OrdersTotal()>0)
   if (AccountProfit()>0.1*StartupEquity)

Unless your algorithm closes individual trades due to other conditions? In which case you should also be looking into history orders and extract their profit/loss before comparing for the 10% increase.

Seng Joo Thio:

I don't think AccountEquity() can increase by 10% (from the StartupEquity) when AccountProfit() is negative, if you stick to these steps:

Unless your algorithm closes individual trades due to other conditions? In which case you should also be looking into history orders and extract their profit/loss before comparing for the 10% increase.

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 110

this case the equity is increased by 10% from the Initial deposit even though the Account Profit is -30. At This Point i want to close all orders and restart.

After REstarting 

Initial Deposit = 110

Account Balance = 110

Profit/Loss = 0

Current Account Equity = 110


My real problem is 

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 110

At this point if i add deposit to my account it will close all trades assuming an equity increase by certain percentage. Hope you understand my problem

Vijay Akash T P:

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 110

this case the equity is increased by 10% from the Initial deposit even though the Account Profit is -30. At This Point i want to close all orders and restart.

After REstarting 

Initial Deposit = 110

Account Balance = 110

Profit/Loss = 0

Current Account Equity = 110


My real problem is 

Initial Deposit = 100

Account Balance = 140

Profit/Loss = -30 (Loss)

Current Account Equity = 110

At this point if i add deposit to my account it will close all trades assuming an equity increase by certain percentage. Hope you understand my problem

Sorry, I don't.

If your code follows proper steps (see my earlier post), this situation should not happen. So if my guess is right, you do close certain trades due to other conditions... then you should start looking into your trade history and extract those trades' profit/loss (filter by time period which you want to consider your 10%), rather than focusing here on balance/equity/profit alone.

Hope somebody will understand your problem.

Seng Joo Thio:

Sorry, I don't.

If your code follows proper steps (see my earlier post), this situation should not happen. So if my guess is right, you do close certain trades due to other conditions... then you should start looking into your trade history and extract those trades' profit/loss (filter by time period which you want to consider your 10%), rather than focusing here on balance/equity/profit alone.

Hope somebody will understand your problem.

can you please give the code lines for this

start looking into your trade history and extract those trades' profit/loss (filter by time period which you want to consider your 10%

Vijay Akash T P:

can you please give the code lines for this

start looking into your trade history and extract those trades' profit/loss (filter by time period which you want to consider your 10%

Here's what I extracted/modified from (just sum up all profits from deals that lie within the time period of your interest, and you'll be able to add that to your startup equity and determine whether 10% has been met...):

//--- request trade history
//--- create objects
   string   name;
   uint     total=HistoryDealsTotal();
   ulong    ticket=0;
   double   price;
   double   profit;
   datetime time;
   string   symbol;
   long     type;
   long     entry;
//--- for all deals
   for(uint i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- try to get deals ticket
         //--- get deals properties
         price =HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_PRICE);
         time  =(datetime)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TIME);
         type  =HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TYPE);
         entry =HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_ENTRY);
         //--- only for current symbol
         if(price && time)
           Print ("Symbol = ", symbol, ", Time = ", time, ", Price = ", price, ", Profit = ", profit, ", Type = ", EnumToString(ENUM_DEAL_TYPE(type)), ", Entry = ", EnumToString(ENUM_TRADE_TRANSACTION_TYPE(entry)));
Documentation on MQL5: Trade Functions / HistorySelect
Documentation on MQL5: Trade Functions / HistorySelect
HistorySelect() creates a list of orders and a list of trades in a mql5-program, for further referring to the list elements using corresponding functions. The deals list size can be returned using the HistoryDealsTotal() function; the size of the list of orders in the history can be obtained using HistoryOrdersTotal(). Selection in the list of...