Multi-indics indicator - page 11

Just find a minimum and maximum value on each currency. Lets say [EUR:5.6] [GBP:6.3] [CHF:5.0] [CAD:4.0] [JPY:2.7], it indicates GBP is getting strong especially on GBPJPY pair. That's what i caught as tom's explaination. Please find a suitable setting.

Look like the fxcruiser's cockpit

Look like the fxcruiser's cockpit

absolutely right



Is it an indicator or an EA? It runs only same an EA but the numbers are 9.0 for all majors and only black colors

It's an EA, and should be looks like this. Please make sure Show all symbols on Market Watch

Here's the mine.

I don't have any Show all symbols parameters.

xmeter.gif  3 kb

I don't have any Show all symbols parameters.

Yes I have in my platform ... But no colors and no numbers refresh!



Take care to enable live trading in the expert

There is the smilies face in right corner

Rlinac, thanks for your awesome expert,

Now i can trade only on my laptop, because now i don't have the need to open excel to display tom's excel sheet


thanks very very much

Big Joe:
Take care to enable live trading in the expert There is the smilies face in right corner

Of course that I enable it!!!

See below:

xmeter_1.gif  14 kb
Yes I have in my platform ... But no colors and no numbers refresh!

That's strange, are you using IBFX platform??? I've tested on many platform except IBFX and it works fine. One more thing please consider using dark colour for background instead a white.



well as i guessed, you are using IBFX platfrom . Please add a "m" string just after pair string in aPair[] array variable. If you don't mind could you fix the code for supporting IBFX platfom and put it together on first post.


That's right, thanks!

Attached the mini-account's indicators.

For all, this post doesn't concern this thread but thanks Rlinac for sharing this usefull tool!


xmeter_mini.mq4  15 kb