The worst MQL Cloud Server ever ( not found) (Europe 1)


This server is broken for more time than it is working.

Doesn't work several times a week (See attached image).

I've seen it broken at least 20 times in the last two months.

It takes between 12 and 24 hours to work again...

Maybe it's time to think about buying a new one (It's just a suggestion).

Best Regards!!

agent1_noip.png  180 kb

This server is broken for more time than it is working.

Doesn't work several times a week (See attached image).

I've seen it broken at least 20 times in the last two months.

It takes between 12 and 24 hours to work again...

Maybe it's time to think about buying a new one (It's just a suggestion).

Best Regards!!

you should open a request to support and give them the details above.

Michael Charles Schefe #:

you should open a request to support and give them the details above.

I wrote this post in the hope that a moderator will read it and report it to the appropriate party.

Ivan3z #:

I wrote this post in the hope that a moderator will read it and report it to the appropriate party.

Here is a explanation how to get in touch with service desk.

Auto Renew off on subscription but still renew
Auto Renew off on subscription but still renew
  • 2023.06.06
  • Ka Lun Chung
I turned off the auto renew several days ago but it still auto renew today. How to cancal and back refund...
NathanYsp #:

Here is a explanation how to get in touch with service desk.


Thanks a lot for the link.

But it's a bot.

I told him the server is broken and he said he didn't understand me.

Today the server is out of service again (right now).

I think a human moderator should call technical support (also human).

Best Regards!!

Ivan3z #:


Thanks a lot for the link.

But it's a bot.

I told him the server is broken and he said he didn't understand me.

Today the server is out of service again (right now).

I think a human moderator should call technical support (also human).

Best Regards!!

This is clearly a financial issue therefore they will see the message if you make the reason to be "financial".

dont you know how to click on buttons or fill out a form?
Michael Charles Schefe #:

This is clearly a financial issue therefore they will see the message if you make the reason to be "financial".

dont you know how to click on buttons or fill out a form?

No need to be condescending!!

I think that for the simple fact of communicating the problem, the community should thank me.

Contacting technical support is not my job. Metaquotes does not pay me for this service.

Let this work be done to whom it corresponds
Ivan3z #:

I think that for the simple fact of communicating the problem, the community should thank me.

who's condescending?

This is a user forum. even all the moderators are just free help as far as i know. no one will know that there is a problem if you do not press that button and send a message to support.

In the time and effort that you you took and spent to write your messages in this thread, you could have typed half of it in a simple message to support. Instead, you have to communicate while using big words.

Michael Charles Schefe #:

who's condescending?

This is a user forum. even all the moderators are just free help as far as i know. no one will know that there is a problem if you do not press that button and send a message to support.

In the time and effort that you you took and spent to write your messages in this thread, you could have typed half of it in a simple message to support. Instead, you have to communicate while using big words.

That's not the point. The point is,

I have not problems. Metaquotes has a problem. 

It's not my server that's broken. It is the Metaquotes server.

I am not losing money or offering bad service. Metaquotes does it.

I don't work for metaquotes, administrators do.

I did enough writing this thread to inform the admins. Consider it a favor on my part.

The rest is the work of Metaquotes and its employees.

And in addition... I don't like talking to chatbots.

I know how to press buttons and fill out forms. But I don't want to do it. Not for this.

Metaquotes employees do your job.

Best Regards!!
