TriggerFX System



i am also offering TriggerFX as an alternative to grid trading systems at the RAS website.

Please read system description on the RAS website and check attached for actual performance.


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Is this still active?

With last trades on last day of march, it seems like this signal is inactive?

Just wondering, coz i subscribed to it

If you are pausing trading due to many news out these first days of month,then everything is fine...


As I see - he is very active vendor.

Hope - just pausing.



Forex-tsd is always provide good info about stocks and forex. I think the commentator of Forex-tsd have a vast knowledge of forex


This is an exact copy from the RAS website in my system description:

EUR-USD mathematical system as an alternative to Grid systems.

Please note that the system will always have a negative float by its design.

1000 USD in a Mini account and 10 000USD in a standard account to trade 0.01 lots=lotsize factor 1 in RAS EA.

I reserve the right to close all positions before important news events, which can and will have significant effect on total performance of this system.


The system will not trade before NFP releases!

My systems are designed to make money and not to provide entertainment for subscribers



Good day everyone. I am sure everyone will enjoy the signals by Janus that are run through RAS. Here are my results from TriggerFX. This demo matches my trades live. I didn't trade this week because of the new version of 1.22. Will be up on 6th of April.

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As Good Friday and Easter

I just got this message from my broker:


Dear Customer,

As Good Friday and Easter are approaching, there is very low liquidity in the worldwide FOREX market. Due to this, the clearing department has informed us that the spreads must be raised between 10-30 pips for various currency pairs for those periods.

ITFX Trader MT4 keeps the best spreads in the world, and in order to maintain the lowest fixed spreads in the world, the system will be shut down for trading starting 00:00 GMT 10/04/2009 to Noontime 13/04/2009.

Successful Trading,

ITFX Trader MT4


What does that mean for TriggerFX and RAS?

Should I leave everything running?

What will happen if signal owner sends a "close position signal" but my broker is shut down at this time?

Shall i close positions prior to shut down?

Did anyone else got similar message on other brokers? Maybe it is time i change to fxdd or somebody else...




System TriggerFX is not closing any trades during holiday periods!

As a full time professional trader, i am very well informed about the trading hours and maintain always a look on the markets, even on Good friday, as you can see from my quick reply.



Thank you.

This is reassuring.

Is this common practice, that smalled sweat shops close their doors during holidays?

I think i will be looking for new broker next month, as here i have 2 pip spread and 0.1$ comission per 0,01 lot (so efectivly 3 pip spread on eurusd)..

Can you recommend any broker with which your smaller customers seem to have good experiences? And where one can open account with $500 ? fxdd? ibfx?

With all the risk in forex, I would just love to have stable and trustworthy broker.




I'm curious, I just signed up about 12 hours ago and the EA has opened and closed about 10 trades ranging from 0 to -.060 (-1.30) total and it doesnt seem to match anything on your site.

I have zero active trades currently.

I am just wondering why I am not at least matching your last few opened trades.



Does this look correct?

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