Help: Russian to English-CodeBase Articales



Could anyone kindly help me to translate the following programs into English?


Link: Automated Choice of Brokerage Company for an Efficient Operation of Expert Advisors - MQL4 Articles


Link: MT4TerminalSync - System for the Synchronization of MetaTrader 4 Terminals - MQL4 Articles

The articals are in English but programs in Russian.

programs can be downloaded at the bottoms of each articale.

One of them has most of source code. The other one may be more difficult: no source code.

Thanks in advance.



May be I should ask differetn question first:

How to make C++ builder 6 read Russian?

In my C++ builder all the Russian letters look like this


Help pleas?


First article is some idea about how to select the broker for your system or EA according to time tio open buysell order, slippage, requoting and so on. The idea is to do it automatically for every system and to select the best broker for the some particular systems.

There are some codes examples but some of the codes are not mql4 so sorry.

The second articale is very interesting but it is just an idea only. Not mql4 as well.


I tried the other program made by C++ Builder in Russian. At least it shows


This make me think the programer himself make all the Captions in program

look like: ?????????

Now could some help me to translant captions in following picture into English.

I can put them in the source code myself if I can get English.



Hi jimmyking,

I can translate from the image onto English but by parts only as it is a lot of text and image is very small. I have no problem with language but the problem with the image as it is small one.

Let's say: we are translating the following in the image:

So it may be like this:

Active transactions: 7

Complete transactions: 0

Total profit: 0

Average Profit: 0[/CODE]


This one:

Statistic Monitor [running since 18.04.2007 in 00:49:51][/CODE]




[CODE]Choose all


[CODE]Heaping to the file


0007.jpg  4 kb
0008.jpg  4 kb
0009.jpg  2 kb
00010.jpg  2 kb
00011.jpg  2 kb


Just remind me tomorrow in GMT morning (by PM) and I will continue.



Thanks very much ND. I'll put them in the source code see how it goes.

I'm in the middle of a bigger project. I'd like to modify this one as a part of the project. Hope every one in the community will like it when it finished.



2 newdigital

Так ты еще и переводами занимаешься?

Sorry for this post. It's joke

2 newdigital

Так ты еще и переводами занимаешься?

Sorry for this post. It's joke

Babel Fish Translation:

So you even and with transfers deal

Joke too


Babel Fish Translation:

So you even and with transfers deal

Joke too


translation deal ...


Did not have time today sorry. I will finish tomorrow.



So far so good:

I'd like to know what are those Caption start with "Label"

I did little more with some guess:

But now I think

"Deal" should be Active Transaction

"Transaction Journal" should be Complete Transaction

I think "Slipage" is right (correct me if I'm wrong)

I use "SAVE" for the Heap thing (I'm not sure though)

Thanks for the help.

Please see the picture: Correct them if you find wrong stuff.

statmoni.gif  42 kb