Object on the right place


I want to to create a line with according to pixels not with price and time...

On my "trading view" I would like to have "mini-charts" with different time frames, like the picture I linked to...


A work around could be a loop with text like "dots" (.), like below (with no loop)... But this would proberly look like #¤%&:

ObjectCreate("MT4", OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind("Somewhere"), 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(("MT4", ".",10, "Arial", Green);
ObjectSet("MT4", OBJPROP_CORNER, iCorner);
ObjectSet("MT4", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, iXDistance);
ObjectSet("MT4", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, iYDistance);

I could create an object with lines, to the proper place but then I´ll have a problem... The charts will increase/decrease if I zoom :)

And I don´t want to do this on the chart-window!

I hope you understand what I´m trying to do... And someone here able to push me in the right direction...


Hi IntraTrade,

1 MB image size !!!. Why don't you just insert the image in here. There's plenty tools when you making comment - I suggest you find the one to insert image(s) and try it.

Use separate window CI like this one https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/1378


Hi IntraTrade,

1 MB image size !!!. Why don't you just insert the image in here. There's plenty tools when you making comment - I suggest you find the one to insert image(s) and try it.

Use separate window CI like this one https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/1378


My image was namned "To Forum.jpg", I change it to "ToForum.jpg"... Now it works...

Maybe I have to make this in another indicator window as a work around. I rather not have my mini-charts om the main window...



My image was namned "To Forum.jpg", I change it to "ToForum.jpg"... Now it works...

Hi IntraTrade,

I forget to add, there's CI in MT called iExposure, write what you want like that.



Hi IntraTrade,

I forget to add, there's CI in MT called iExposure, write what you want like that.


Hi onewithzachy,

Thanks for the examples. The iExposure uses object that I already do. The first example was massive :) and I will dig deeper to find if there are something that fits...

Do you know if there is a function that keeps track of the user zooming an returns a number between 0-5 (or 1-6), depending of user view?

I looked at all the Windows function and couldn´t find anything...

Then I could write a function that interpolate in pixel-mode, between two points with dots (.) depending of the zoom the user is using. It will work but it might slow down things...


Hi onewithzachy,

Thanks for the examples. The iExposure uses object that I already do. The first example was massive :) and I will dig deeper to find if there are something that fits...

Do you know if there is a function that keeps track of the user zooming an returns a number between 0-5 (or 1-6), depending of user view?

I had to code my own, you need to find the bar pitch . . pixels between adjacent bars, zoom 5 is 32, zoom 4 is 16, zoom 3 is 8, zoom 2 is 4, zoom 1 is 2 and zoom 0 is 1