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Added topic Show All Chart Tabs
hi is it possible to show all chart tabs on MT4? i have about 30 over charts opened and instead of scrolling left and right is there a way to show all tabs, aka two layers of tabs etc? thank you
Added topic indicator does not work
hi i just downloaded indicators but they do not open up in my charts on mt4.  nothing happens when i run them am i doing something wrong
Added topic Run MT4 on 2 pcs?
Hi am i able to run MT4 and 2 different PCs at the same time? or will i be automatically logged out once an account is logged in
Added topic Price Alerts set via MT4 app
Hi i am aware we can set price alerts on MT4 and get push notifications on our Mobile Phone But are we able to set Price Alerts through the MT4 Mobile App? Or must we strictly only set through the desktop
Added topic Place Pending Order once certain Price reached
Hello! Does MT4  have this function where, once a certain Price is met, a Pending Order will be then placed (Limit Order or Stop Order )? Thank you all
Added topic Push Notifications for MT4 without having computer on
Hello! May I know if i can have Push Notifications for my Trade Executions, Stop Losses and Take Profits from MT4 without having to Turn on my Computer 24/7?  Push Notifications are great for me but to have my MT4 platform turned on 24/7 (ie my
Added topic Enquiry on Order Expiry on MT4
Hi all, When i create a pending order on MT4, I am able to set the expiry date and time too which is excellent. My question is, which time will MT4 take reference to for the time that I input for expiry? My local time or the MT4 time? Thank you
Added topic Huge Chart Discrepancy
Hello all! I have just realised this discrepancy on my chart On the CadChf Chart , I have plotted a Trendline on the WEEKLY time frame (Picture 1). And it shows that price has Touched and Crossed the Trendline. However, when I go down on the DAILY
Added topic Change Time Frame Hotkey for MT4?
Hi! Instead of hovering my mouse to change the time frame, is there a single hotkey i can set or press to change time frame?  If yes, can i also choose if this hotkey changes timeframe for all my charts or just the chart im viewing? thank you
Added topic How to not execute orders during huge slippage?
Hello! i just got a much lower price on the stop sell price i placed. How do i set it on MT4 that if market price differs too much of an amount, orders will not be executed? Do i go to the Deviation setting on MT4? For the Deviation setting (i am on
Added topic How to save profiles and reopen on another pc?
Hello all! I currently have charts on two different profiles on my MT4. I wonder if i will still be able to see my charts when i log in to my similar account on MT4 on another pc/laptop? If not how do i transfer all i have right now over to the other
Added topic How to increase the number of charts on MT4
Hi all! I was opening new charts and got to a point where it does not open a new chart. How do i increase this limit? thank you! I actually reached this limit because for every pair/instrument, i open 2 of the same chart as i want to have 20 & 50
Added topic Simultaneously delete or add indicators for all charts
Hi all! How do i Simultaneously delete or add indicators for all charts? I have 20 over pairs and whenever i decide to add or remove an indicator say, a 50 MA, i would have to add them on all the 20 over charts one by one. How do do them
Added topic Longest Historical Data
Hi all, Which broker provides the furthest historical data? i am using a broker now but it only provides till year 2000 on Monthly time frame. Thank you
Added topic Can i have both MT4 and MT5 program?
Hi Can i have both MT4 and MT5 program? or will downloading MT5 replace the MT4 program i have now? Thank you
Added topic Crosshair app on mt4
Hi all! Do you guys know of any crosshair app on mt4 where i can execute trades at the level my crosshair is pointing? thank you
Added topic Enquiry on Email or Phone Notification alerts!
Hi fellow MT users! Ive set up mt4 mobile Push notification and do receive them but i realised that these notifications are pushed to my phone only when mt4 is open on my com. Meaning i have to turn on my computer the entire day even when i am out
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Added topic Help! Candlestick Bar settings
Hi Guys! I am on MT4 and have about charts for 20 currency pairs . How do i set every chart's candlesticks to have similar length in terms of pip value? What i meant is that on some charts per grid is about 50 pips while on others per grid is about